Scientific research

The biological effects of bovine milk extract
The extract obtained from bovine milk (whey) is a natural product that has in its composition numerous bioactive compounds with curative potential, confirmed by the literature.
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The influence of minerals and lactose content on the stability of whey protein powders
The aim of this paper was to determine the minerals and lactose from a Zonar lactoserum concentrate (L-ZS) obtained by lyophilization as compared to other two commercial powders: a bio whey concentrate (BWP) and a whey protein isolate (IWP), in order to investigate the influence of the mineral and lactose concentration on the protein denaturation temperature. The BCAA content from protein hydrolysates and surface structure of whey powder samples have been also investigated. Lactose content of samples whas: 47.4 g/100g for L-ZS, 46.4 g/100g for BWP, 0 g/100g for WPI. The highest concentrations of minerals Ca, K, Mg, Na and P has been found in BWP, followed by, L-ZS and IWP powders. The fact that L-ZS sample shows a peak temperature (Tp) with 15.82 °C higher than in the case of BWP sample, makes it more resistant to denaturation. The IWP powder has Tp of 87.25 °C, because contains the high quantity proteins that are more resistant to unfolding (denaturation) than the other two samples. Loss of calcium ions leads to partial protein unfolding. The lower mineral content increases the stability of whey protein. A high lactose content leads to the protein aggregation; the functional properties of powder is changes by protein crosslinking. Branched-chain amino acids content in studied samples is in accordance with whey proteins powders type.
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Physicochemical characterisation of some new dairy beverages based on LactoSerum
Dairy beverages are ideal for adding value in terms of nutrition and functional additives. Four new dairy beverages derived from lactoserum are characterised in the present study, as by determination of physicochemical parameters and chemical composition: pH, titratable acidity, total dry matter, sodium chloride, lactose, total proteins, and the minerals. Acceptable values for these type of beverages are found in all four cases: pH (6.1–6.3), acidity (9–10°T), dry substance (6.1–6.3%), sodium chloride (0.19–0.2%) and lactose (4.6–4.8%). These beverages based on lactoserum have poor content in proteins (538 μg ml–1 soluble protein, 2170 μg ml–1 including the particulate matter), minerals and trace elements, compared with the sweet whey, the concentrations being closer to those of whey permeate orthose demineralised whey. The results assessment reflects the many benefits of these new types of dairy beverages for human healthy nutrition, as well as for their curative and palliative purposes in obesity or diabetes mellitus.
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Experimental model of streptozotocin - nicotinamide induced diabetes mellitus type II in Sprague-Dawley rats: step by step protocol and the encountered issues
Diabetes mellitus represents a group of metabolic disorders affecting about 5% of people all over the world. Because of its multifactorial aetiology and complex pathology, there is no animal model which can mimics all the characteristics of human type 2 diabetes, but each of them can be useful for understanding features of the pathogenesis and evolution of diabetes mellitus. Despite numerous treatment options, the management f diabetes without side effects remain a big challenge. The aim of this paper is to describe a step by step protocol on how to induce diabetes type 2 in rats using streptozotocin (STZ) - nicotinamide (NA) and to elp other researchers who encountered similar issues. Animal models are very helpful to provide further investigations within this field, and STZ/NA model represent a valuable working tool.
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Classic and modern applications of polylactic acid (PLA) within tissue engineering and other biomedical domains
Polylactic acid (PLA) synthesis has driven considerable interest in tissue engineering, as well as in medicine, food and pharmaceutical industry. PLA is used as a biomaterial in various medical applications, such as tissue engineering, orthopedic devices and drug delivery systems. The main goal of this review is to highlight the PLA development and applications within different biomedical fields. There will be also summarized the role of this biomaterial and its copolymers, blends or composites in tissue engineering. Further we discuss the PLA's utilization in bone tissue grafting on different bone defects performed on laboratory animals. In vivo research has been the gold standard experimental system in bone tissue studies. Animal bone defects allow the evaluation of biomaterials and are a keystone in translational researches.
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