Mărioara Moldovan

Experienţă profesională
- 2008 - present
- UBB-ICCRR, Cluj-Napoca – Laboratorul de Compusi Organici, Colectivul de "Compozite Polimerice" - Cercetător ştiinţific gr.I
Conduc activitatiile de cercetare în domeniul sintezei si caracterizării materialelor compozite utilizate in medicină, constând în elaborarea de noi monomeri si noi umpluturi anorganice utilizate în formularea acestora. Am intocmit documentatia produselor noi in vederea omologarii si certificarii pentru punerea in fabricaţie conform normelor europene pentru dispozitive medicale. Am desfasurat activitati de transfer tehnologie catre IMM –uri. Implicarea in intocmirea documentatiei tehnici-stiintifice privind castigarea proiectelor noi de cercetare prin participarea la competitiile desfasurate in cadrul Programelor de excelenta si programe internationale. Conceperea si intocmirea documentatiei pentru brevete de inventie si articole publicate in reviste de specialitate. - 2005-2007
- Institutul de Chimie „Raluca Ripan”, Cluj-Napoca, Laboratorul de Compusi Organici, Colectivul de "Compozite Polimerice" - Cercetător ştiinţific gr.II
Am raspuns si condus activitatile de cercetare privind elaborarea si caracterizare fazei anorganice si organice utilizata in compozita de uz medical. Caracterizarea materialelor compozite cu utilizare in stomatologia restaurativa, de profilaxie si in protetica stomatologica Conducerea temelor de cercetare. Castigarea proiectelor de cercetare prin participarea la competitiile desfasurate in cadrul Programelor de Excelenta si Programe Internationale. Implicarea in activitatea de obtinere a certificatelor de fabricatie pentru produsele noi omologate. Am desfasurat activitati de transfer tehnologie catre IMM–uri. - 1999-2005
- Institutul de Chimie „Raluca Ripan”, Cluj-Napoca, Laboratorul „Compozite Polimerice” - Cercetator ştiinţific gr III
Activitati de cercetare privind elaborarea si caracterizare fazei anorganice utilizata in compozita. Caracterizarea materialelor compozite cu utilizare in stomatologia restaurativa, de profilaxie si in protetica stomatologica. Conducerea temelor de cercetare. Castigarea proiectelor de cercetare prin participarea la competitiile desfasurate in cadrul Programelor Nationale de C&D. M-am implict in activitatea de obtinere a certificatelor de fabricatie pentru produsele noi. - 1998-1999
- Institutul de Chimie „Raluca Ripan”, Cluj-Napoca, Laboratorul „Compozite Polimerice” - Cercetator ştiinţific
Activitate de cercetare in domeniul sintezei si caracterizarii rasinilor acrilice, dimetacrilice si pulberi de sticla si ceramice utilizate in formualrea compozitele polimerice. Elaborarea si caracterizarea materialelor compozite. - 1989-1998
- Institutul de Chimie „Raluca Ripan”, Cluj-Napoca, Laboratorul „Compozite Polimerice” - Asistent Cercetare
Activitate de cercetare in domeniul obtinerei si caracterizari fazei anorganice utilizata in compozita stomatologica. Elaborarea si caracterizarea materialelor compozite.
Educaţie şi formare
- 1983-1989
- Graduated as engineer, Inorganic Chemistry profile, „Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
- 1999-2002
- Ph.D, Chemistry profile, „Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
- 3.11-9.11.1993
- "International Centre for Science and High Technology" Graduation Certificate, “Advanced Workshop on Whiskers and Particles in Composite Materials Technology” Domeniul: Materiale Compozite, University of Trieste, ITALY
- 09.05-13.05.2006
- Diploma, Xpert PBS (Xpert Personal Business Skills), EUROED Association of Bucharest
- 07.02-09.02.2008
- Diploma of participation, Workshop-ul „Strengthening the Role of Women Scientists in Nano-Science”
Lucrări publicate (peste 150), Brevete (24), Cărţi şi capitole de carte (2 + 8), Premii (22), Produse omologate şi cu Certificat de fabricaţie (CE-30)
Articole ISI publicate în reviste naţionale şi internaţionale
- Cojocaru, I. Prodan, D., Popescu, V., Moldovan M, SEM analysis of composites with TCP/HA/chitosan/poly (methylmethacrilate), Materiale Plastice, 54, 1, 60-62, 2017
- Baldea, I., Olteanu, D.E., Filip, A.G., Cenariu, M., Dudea, D., Tofan, A., Alb, C., Moldovan, M., Toxicity and efficiency study of plant extracts-based bleaching agents, Clinical Oral Investigations, 21, 4, , 1315-1326, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s00784-016-1882-4
- Molea, A., Popescu, V. Popescu, G.L., Suciu, R.C., Dinescu, A., Moldovan, M., Synthesis and characterisation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles sensitised with natural chlorophyll dye extracted from Mentha leaves, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 19(3-4), 272-27, 2017
- Mahmoud, E., Pacurar, M. Bechir, E.S., Maris, M., Olteanu, C., Dascalu, I.T., Moldovan, M., Comparison of shear bond strength and adhesive remnant index of brackets bonded with two types of orthodontic adhesives, Materiale Plastice, 54(1), 141-144, 2017
- Muntean, A., Mesaros, A.S., Porumb, A., Moldovan, M., Balan, A., Enamel apperance after orthodontic attachment removal in vitro SEM analysis, Revista de Chimie, 68(1), 125-127, 2017
- Coneac, A., Orăsan, M.S., Leucuţa, D.C., Orăsan, R.I., Moldovan, M., Effect of curcumin on oxidative stress in a model of turpentine induced acute experimental inflammation, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 45(1), 65-74, 2017
- Patroi, D.N., Moldovan, M., Mitariu, I.S.C., Coman, C., Barbu, H.M., Water sorption and solubility in different environments of composite luting cements: An in vitro study, Materiale Plastice, 53(4), 646-652, 2017
- Roman, A., Páll, E.,Moldovan, M., Rusu, D., Şoriţău, O., Feştilă, D., Lupşe, M., Cytotoxicity of Experimental Resin Composites on Mesenchymal Stem Cells Isolated from Two Oral Sources, Microscopy and Microanalysis,1-16, 2016, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1431927616011624
- Cristina Prejmerean, Doina Prodan, Mihaela Vlassa, Mihaela Streza, Tinca Buruiana, Loredana Colceriu, Vasile Prejmerean, Stanca Cuc, Marioara Moldovan, ,ATR technique an appropriate method for determining the degree of conversion in dental giomers Measurement Science and Technology, 27, 2016, 124008, doi:10.1088/0957-0233/27/12/124008.
- Chisnoiu, A.M., Chisnoiu, R., Moldovan M., Lascu, L.M., Picoş, A.M., Etiological factors associated with temporomandibular joint disorder – Study on animal model, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology,57, 1, 185-189, 2016
- Chisnoiu, R., Moldovan, M., Pstrav, O., Delean, A., Chisnoiu, A.M., The influence of three endodonic sealers on bone healing: An experimental study, Folia Morphologica (Poland), 75, 1, 14-20, 2016, DOI: 10.5603/FM.a2015.0079
- Cornea, D., Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L., Balazsi, R., Oprean, R., Dudea, D., Moldovan, M., The study of pit and fissure sealants concerning water sorption and solubility, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 61, 2, 239-248, 2016
- I.S. Pop-Ciutrila, D. Dudea, M.E. Badea, M. Moldovan, S.I. Cîmpean, R. Ghinea, Shade Correspondence, Color, and Translucency Differences between Human Dentine and a CAD/CAM Hybrid Ceramic System, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, 28 (S1), 46-55, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12195
- A. Caracostea Objelean, A. Labunet, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, M. Moldovan, S. Sava, M. E. Badea, In Vitro Chewing Simulation Model Influence on the Adhesive-Tooth Structure Interface, Key Engineering Materials, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.695.77, 2016, 695, 77-82
- A.V. Burde, D. Dudea, S. Cuc, M. Moldovan, R. S. Campian, Three - dimensional Evaluations of the Coating Thickness of Two Optical Conditioning Scanning Sprays, Materiale Plastice, 53, 1, 65-67, 2016
- A.Muntean, A. Mesaros, D. Festila, M. Moldovan, M. Mesaros, In Vitro Microleakage Evaluation Around Three Types of Dental Sealants, Materiale Plastice, 53, 1,166-169, 2016
- A. Saplonţai-Pop, M. Moldovan, C.Ionescu, M. Suciu-Petrescu, I. Cojocaru, R. Oprean, Antiplatelet Effect Of Allium Cepa L. Extracts: A Short Review, Key Engineering Materials Submitted, vol 695, 303-308, 2016 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.695.303
- C.Sarosi, Al.R. Biris, A.Antoniac, S.Boboia, C. Alb, I.Antoniac, M.Moldovan, The nanofiller effect on properties of experimental graphene dental nanocomposites, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2016,30(16),1779-1794
- M.Moldovan, D.Prodan, V.Popescu, C.Prejmerean, C.Sarosi, M.Saplonţai, S.Ţălu, E.Vasile, Structural and morphological properties of HA-ZnO powders prepared for biomaterials, Open Chemistry, 13, 725-733 (2015)
- S. Boboia, M. Moldovan, A. Burde, I. Ardelean, The effects of the curing regime and the composition on the absorption, solubility and the amount of residual monomers of dental flowable composites, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 17(9-10), 1487-1493 (2015)
- S. Boboia, M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, C. Saroşi, A. Roman, I. Ardelean, Influence of initiation system and filler ratio on the properties of new flowable dental composites, Materiale Plastice, 52(1), 104-108 (2015)
- A.Mesaros, B:Culic, C.Alb, M.Mesaros, M.Moldovan, L.Brucifre, M.Badea, Influence of Accelerated Staining and Bleaching Procedures on the Shear-bond Strength Orthodontic Adhesives An in vitro study, Revista de Chimie, 1, 66-69, 2015.
- A.Muntean, A.Mesaroş, D.Festila, M.Moldovan, S.Boboia, M.Mesaroş, Comparative in vitro study for orthodontic adhesives relatively to sorption and solubility, AIP Conference Proceedings 1700, 060008, 2015
- R.Chişnoiu, M.Moldovan, O.Păstrăv, A.Delean, D.Prodan, S.Boboia, V.Prejmerean, A.Chişnoiu, Radiopacity measurements of three endodontic sealers using digital X-rays, AIP Conference Proceedings 1700, 060010, 2015
- R. Chisnoiu, O. Pastrav, A. Delean, D. Prodan, S. Boboia, M. Moldovan, A. Chisnoiu, Push - out Bond Strengths of Three Different Endodontic Sealers A comparative study, Materiale Plastice, 52(2), 239-242, 2015
- I Cojocaru, M. Moldovan, C. Sarosi, D. Leordean, C. Alb, Morphological Biodegradation and the Citotoxicity Effect of Some Experimental Biomaterials, Materiale Plastice, 52, 3, p.321-324, 2015
- S.Sava, M. Moldovan, C. Sarosi, A. Mesaros, D. Dudea, C. Alb, Effects of Graphene Addition on the Mechanical Properties of Composites for Dental Restoration, Materiale Plastice, 52, 1, p. 90-92, 2015
- R. Chisnoiu, M. Moldovan, O. Pastrav, A. Delean, A. M. Chisnoiu, The influence of three endodontic sealers on bone healing – an experimental study, Folia Morphologica"DOI: 10.5603/FM.a2015.0079, 4, 2015
- A.Mesaros, C. Alb , B. Culic , M.Mesaros, M. Moldovan, L. Bru-Cifre, M. Badea, Influence of Accelerated Staining and Bleaching Procedures on the Shear-bond Strength Orthodontic Adhesives An in vitro study, Rev. Chim., 66, 1, p. 66-69, 2015
- V. Popescu, A. Molea, A. Dinescu, C. Rusu-Trişcă, M. Moldovan, G. L. Popescu, Optical properties of pbs crystals obtained on glass substrate from solutions containing hydroxylamine hydrochloride in an ultrasonic baths, Chalcogenide Letters, 12, 7, 363 – 373, 2015
- A. Bebe, A. Pop, M. Moldovan, I. Ardelean, The influence of silanized nano-SiO2 on the hydration of cement paste: NMR investigations, AIP Conference Proceedings 1700, 060006-5, 2015
- Ionas, M, Moldovan, M, Badea, ME, Bota, G , The effect of surface preparation techniques on the color of dental composite resins immersed in different solutions, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Rapid Communications, 9, 78, 1041-1046, 2015
- Saplontai-Pop,A , Mot. A, Moldovan. M ; Oprean. R, Silaghi-Dumitrescu, R, Orasan, O, Parvu, M, Gal, E, Ionescu, C,Testing antiplatelet and antioxidant activity of the extract of seven varieties of Allium cepa L., Open Life Sciences, 10, 1, 89-98, DOI: 10.1515/biol20150011, 2015
- M. Ionas, M. Eugenia Badea, L. Silaghi Dumitrescu, T. Ionas, M. Moldovan. Influence of Wine Components on the Reflection Properties of the Visible Light of Dental Composites, Materiale Plastice, 51( 4), p.435-439, 2014
- Aniela Saplonţai-Pop, Marioara Moldovan, Radu Oprean, Olga Orasan, Stefan Saplontai, Corina Ionescu, Correlation between the estimated total thiosulfinates content and antiplatelet activity of three different varieties A. Cepa, Studia UBB Chemia, LIX, 4, p. 39-46, 2014
- Viorica Saplontai, Monica Saplontai, Ioan Roman, Dan Leordean, Roxana Trusca, Tamas Robert Toth, Ileana Cojocaru, Nicolae Balc, Marioara Moldovan, Electrochemical and Structural Investigation on Ti6Al7Nb Alloy, Coated with Hydroxyapatite and Titanium Dioxide, Rev. Chim., 65, No. 10 ,p. 1249-1252, 2014
- Ovidiu Cristian Pastrav, Ada Gabriela Delean, Codruta Sarosi, Laura Silaghi Dumitrescu, Anda Muntean, Marius Gociu, Marioara Moldovan, Translucence Study Through New Experimental Hybrid Composites, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 614, p. 148-154, 2014, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.614.148
- C.Sarosi, A.Antoniac, C. Prejmerean, O. Pastrav, D. Patroi, G. Popescu, M. Moldovan, Hydrolytic degradation of dental composites, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 614 p. 113-117, 2014, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.614.113
- Colceriu, L., Cimpean, S., Nicola, C., Sava, S., Trif, M., Buruiana, T., Moldovan, M., Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L., Antoniac, A., Blajan, A.-I., Prejmerean, C., Effect on adhesion to tooth structure for some experimental dental adhesive system Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 614, p. 100-104, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM. 614.100, 2014
- V. Prejmerean, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, D. Prodan, C. Prejmerean and M. Moldovan, Study of some Dental Biomaterials Properties Using an Original Software Application, Key Engineering Materials,vol. 587, p.121-127, 2014
- D.Prodan, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, S.Boboia, V.Popescu, V.Pascalau, A.Molea, D.Lazar, I.Perhaiţa, Synthesis and characterization of an experimental Zn-hydroxyapatite powders with application in dentistry, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 587, p 43-51, 2014.
- D. Prodan, M. Moldovan, G. Furtos, R. Chisnoiu, V. Popescu, O. Pastrav, "Achieving and evaluation by in vitro tests of new experimental endodontic sealers", in revista romana de materiale-romanian journal of materials, 44, 4, p. 414-420, 2014
- M.Moldovan, A. Filip, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, C.Alb, A.Pop, I.Baldea, “Cytotoxic effect of experimental endodontic sealers”, Central European Journal of Medicine, 8(4), p. 523-529, 2013
- M.Gociu, D.Patroi, C.Prejmerean, O.Pastrav, S.Boboia, D.Prodan, M.Moldovan, Biological test and cytotoxicity of dental materials in vitro, Rom J Morphol Embryol, 54(2), p. 261–265, 2013
- D.Patroi, M. Gociu, C. Prejmerean, L.Colceriu, L. Silaghi Dumitrescu, M. Moldovan, Assessing the biocompatibility of the dual polymerisation system produc, Rom J Morphol Embryol, 54(2): 321–326, 2013
- M. R. Filip, A. Pop, I. Perhaiţa, M.Moldovan, R.Truşcă, Investigation of thermal and catalytic degradation of polystyrene waste into styrene monomer over natural volcanic tuff and Florisil catalysts, Cent Eur J Chem, 11(5), p.725-736, 2013
- S. Boboia, M. Moldovan, I. Ardelean, Determination of residual monomers resulting from chemical polymerization process of dental materials, AIP Conference Proceedings 1565, p. 90-93, 2013
- L. Silaghi Dumitrescu, O. Pastrav, C. Prejmerean, D. Prodan, S. Boboia, S. Codruta, M. Moldovan, The translucency of dental composites investigated by UV-VIS spectroscopy, AIP Conference Proceedings 1565, p. 151-155, 2013
- Violeta Pascalau, Violeta Popescu, George L. Popescu, Mircea C. Dudescu, Gheorghe Borodi, Adrian M. Dinescu, and Marioara Moldovan, Obtaining and Characterizing Alginate/k-Carrageenan Hydrogel Cross-Linked with Adipic Dihydrazide, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Article ID 380716, 12 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/380716, 2013
- M.Saplontai, N.Balc, V.Saplontai, I.Cojocaru, R.Toth, M. Moldovan, Synthesis and characterization of nano hydroxyapatite used for immobilizing heavy metals, Review of Chemistry,63, 12, p. 1228- 1230, 2012
- A. Soanca, A. Roman, M.Moldovan, I.Perhaita, L.Barbu Tudoran, M. Românu, Study on thermal behavior, structure and filler morphology of some indirect composite resins, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7(3), p.1071 – 1081, 2012
- M. Ionas, M. Moldovan, M.Trif, C. Sarosi, C. Alb, T.Ionas, G. L. Popescu, Qualitative Evaluation by Means of SEM on the Qualities of the Hybrid Layer Formed by an Experimental Self Etching Adhesive, Review of Chemistry, 62, 5, p.514-517, 2011
- G. Furtos, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, M. Moldovan, B. Baldea, R. Trusca, C. Prejmerean. Influence of filler/reinforcing agent and post-curing on the flexural properties of woven and unidirectional glass fiber reinforced composites, 47, p.3305-3314, 2012
- G. Furtos, B. Baldea, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, D. Bratu, M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, "Measuring the Radiopacity of Flowable Resin Composites Using Scanned Radiograph Images", Particulate Science and Technology, 30, 5, p. 391-402, 2012.
- G.Furtos, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, M. Moldovan, B. Baldea, R. Trusca, C. Prejmerean, "Influence of filler/reinforcing agent and post-curing on the flexural properties of woven and unidirectional glass fiber-reinforced composites", Journal of Materials Science, 47, 7, p. 3305-3314, 2012
- C. Prejmerean, M.Tomoaia-Cotisel E. Vasile G. Furtos L. Pop, M. Moldovan, C. Sarosi, I.Petean, Characterisation of surface organisation and morphology of some new experimental dental resin-based composites, Int. J. Nano and Biomaterials, 3, 4, 2011
- A. Soanca, M. Rominu, M. Moldovan, C. I. Bondor, C. Nicola, A. Roman , Microscopic evaluation of the interface between composite biomaterials and dentin biostructure, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures , 6, 1 , p. 383 – 392, 2011
- M. Moldovan, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C. Prejmerean, D. Dudea, V. Popescu, S. Boboia, D. Prodan, I. Cojocaru, The Effect of Experimental Bleaching Agent on Coloured Dental Composites, Plastics Materials,Vol.47, No.4, p. 421-425, 2010
- M. Ionaş, M. Moldovan, V. Pascalău, A. Delean, T. Ionaş, The effect of the light curing source and of the photoinitiation system on the light cured adhesive systems, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials–Rapid Communications,4, 8, p.1215 – 1218, 2010
- R. R. Cara, C. Nicola, C. Prejmerean, S. Sava, G. Băciut, M. Băciut, S. Bran C. Bondor, D.Prodan, M. Moldovan, T. Buruiană, I. Pătraşcu, Influence of Bis-GMA Derivative Monomer-Based Particulate CompositeResins on the Cuspal Deformation and Microleakage of Restored Teeth, Particulate Science and Technology: An International Journal, 28, 3, p.191 – 206, 2010
- V.Popescu, N. Jumate, G.L.Popescu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, Studies of some electrical and photoelectrical properties for PbS film obtained by sonochemical methods, Chalcogenide Letters, 7, 1, p. 95 – 100, 2010
- D.Dudea, M.Moldovan, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, H.Colosi, A.Botos, A.Irimie, C.Alb, In vitro study on the effectiveness of a group of experimental hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide bleaching gels upon dental enamel, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia, LV, 1, p.66-75, 2010
- C Alb, S Alb, D Dudea, C Nicola, M Moldovan, B Culic, S Buduru, A Mesaros. In vitro testing of an experimental dental composite resin and adhesive system, Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat, 114(1), p.227-32, 2010
- M.Moldovan, A.Almasi, C.Prejmerean, O.Musat, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C.Nicola, I.Cojocaru, O.Pastrav, The study the some experimental and commercial nanocomposites used in dentistry, Plastics Materials, MPLAAM, 46(4), p.404-409, 2009.
- I.Cojocaru, M.Moldovan, M.Trif, D.Prodan, G.L.Popescu, I.Constantinescu, The influence of some alumina and titanium nanoparticles on the mechanical properties of the composites based on poly (methyl methacrylate), Plastics Materials, MPLAAM, 46(4), p.383-386, 2009.
- C.Alb, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M.Trif, C.Sarosi, D.Dudea, V.Simon, Microstructure, mechanical properties and tissue/biomaterial interface behaviour of new dental restorative composites, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials–Rapid Communications, 3, 4, p.350–355, 2009
- V.Popescu, C.Vasile, M.Brebu, G.L.Popescu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, L.Stănuleţ, C.Trişcă-Rusu, I.Cojocaru, The characterization of recycled PMMA, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 483, p. 432–436, 2009
- V.Popescu, G.L.Popescu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, Photosensitization of PbS films by thermal treatment in controlled environment, Chalcogenide Letters, 6, 9, p.503–508, 2009
- A. Popovici, C.Nicola, M.Moldovan, C.I.Bondor, C.Badetb, A.Roman, G.Băciuţ, M.Băciuţ, S.Bran, A microleakage comparative study for indirect composite restorations on posterior teeth, Journal of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials, 11, 4, p.490–493, 2009
- A.Popovici, M.Trif, M.Moldovan, O.Fodor, C.Nicola, D.Borzea, Scanning electron microscopy evaluation of composite inlays luted with different adhesive systems, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Comunications, 6, 3, p.616-620, 2009
- S. Simon, R.V.F. Turcu, T. Radu, M. Moldovan, V. Simon, Multispectroscopic investigation of silanised glass particles for dental fillers, Journal of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials, 11, 11, p.1660–1670, 2009
- T.Buruiana, E.C.Buruiana, V.Melinte, A.Colceriu, M.Moldovan, Urethane dimethacrylate oligomers for dental composite matrix. Synthesis and properties, Polymer Engineering and Science, 49, 6, p.1127–1135, 2009
- C. Nicola, S.Sava, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M.Romînu, C.Bondor, D.Dudea, F.Zeno, Effect of adhesive system on microleakage in class II direct composite restorations, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10, 4, p. 954–957, 2008
- T.Buruiana, E.C.Buruiana, V.Melinte, V.Pohoata, C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, New urethane dimethacrylate for testing in dental applications. Relational aspects in chemistry and photochemistry of composite materials, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10, 4, p.969-974, 2008
- C.Prejmerean, Gh.Tomoaia, M.Tomoaia-Cotisel, A.Mocanu, O.Horovitz, M.Moldovan, D.Dudea, G.Voicu, I Petean, Surface organization and stability of some composites exposed to biologic medium. Atomic force microscopy observation, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials., 10, 3, p.597-601, 2008
- A. Popovici, O. Fodor, M.Moldovan, A.Roman, D.Borzea, In vitro study of a new composite biomaterial for indirect restorations, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Comunications, 2, 12, p.891-894, 2008
- M.Trif, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, C.Tamas, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, D.Prodan, L.Silaghi, Microcristaline hydroxyapatite. Obtaining and investigation, Journal of Optoelectron Advanced Material, 9, 11, p.3312–3315, 2007
- M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, C.Tamas, G.Furtos, D.Prodan, M.Trif, C.Alb, S.Neamt, V. Popescu, Effect of coupling agents on the local mechanical properties of bioactive dental composites, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Material, 9, 10-11, p.3415-3418, 2007
- A. Colceriu, T. Buruiana, M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, C.Tamas, O.Fodor, L.Oprean, V.Popescu, The characterization of some new dental composites, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 1, 5, p.231-234, 2007
- E.C.Buruiana, T.Buruiana, V.Melinte, M.Zamfir, A.Colceriu, M.Moldovan, Synthesis of oligomeric urethane dimetacrylates with carboxylic groups and their testing in dental composites, Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 45, p.1956-1967, 2007
- V. Simon, A. Colceriu, C. Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M. Prinz, M. Neumann, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study of composite glass fillers, Journal of Optoelectron Advanced Materials, 9, 11, 2007
- T.Buruiana, E.C.Buruiana, M.Moldovan, Synthesis and properties of polyurethane cationomers with urethane-cholesteryl and dodecylmethylammonium moieties, Designed Monomers and Polymers, 9, 1, p. 41-53, 2006
- A. Gritco, M.Moldovan, R. Grecu, V. Simon, Thermal and infrared analyses of aluminosilicate glass systems for dental implants, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7, 6, p.2845–2847, 2005
- C.Tamas, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, D.Prodan, R.Grecu, V.Simon, Structure and properties of inorganic fillers for dental composites, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7, 6, p.2849–2852, 2005
- G. Furtos, V. Cosma, C. Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M. Brie, A. Colceriu, L. Vezsenyi, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C. Sirbu, "Fluoride release from dental resin composites", Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic And Supramolecular Systems, 25, 2, p. 231-236, 2005
- V. Popescu, H. Nascu, I.Pop, L.Marta, M. Moldovan, M.Rosu, M.Filip, The composition influence of PbS films on photosensitivity, Roumaine Review of Chemistry, 54, 6, p.484-486, 2003
- M. Brie, L. Kekedy, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, R. Grecu, G. Furtos, A.Colceriu, Preparation of X-ray opaque dental composite materials and evaluation their radiopacity, Roumaine Review of Chemistry, 48, 6, p.445-454, 2003
- M. Brie, C. Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, G. Furtos, I. Silberg, Obtaining and characterizing some composites based on polyelectrolytic systems modified with compatible monomers and superficially active glass, Roumaine Revue of Chemistry, 47, p.187–192, 2002
- C.Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M. Brie, G. Furtos, D. Prodan, Synthesis of modified Bis-GMA and their influence on diacrylic composite properties used for dentistry, Roumaine Review of Chemistry, 52, 9, p.500-506, 2001
- O.Muşat, M. Moldovan, M.Brie, C.Prejmerean, M.Vezsenyi, The influence study of inorganic fillers on the characteristics of light-curing composition for post dental restorations, Roumaine Review of Chemistry, 52, 1-2, p.57-62, 2001
- M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M. Brie, V.Popescu, G. Furtos, The influence of the reinforcing materials dental the properties of the dental composites, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia, XLVI, 1-2, p.207-212, 2001
- C.Prejmerean, M.Vezsenyi, M. Moldovan, R.Grecu, O.Muşat, M.Brie, The synnthesis of Bis-GMA oligomers and their effects upon the properties of some experimental dental composites, Roumaine Review of Chemistry, 45, 6, p.567-577, 2000
- M.Brie, R.Grecu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, O.Muşat, M.Vezsenyi, The optical properties of some dimethacrylic composites Materials Chemistry and Physics, 60, p.240-246, 1999
Abstracte publicate în reviste naţionale şi internaţionale cotate ISI
- M Moldovan , C Prejmerean , V Popescu , I Cojocaru, C. Saroşi, D.Prodan , I.Baldea, The effect of bleaching agents on the surface hardness and biological test upon composite materials, European Cells and Materials vol. 30. Suppl. 1, p.53, 2015 ISSN 1473-2262
- A.Colceriu, C.Fratila, I.Roman, M.Moldovan, M.Trif, C.Prejmerean, C.Tamas, Microstructural and citotoxicity evaluation for different surface treatments of TA6V4 alloy, European Cells and Materials, Vol.16, Suppl.1, p.29, 2008, ISSN 1473-2262
- A.Colceriu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean,T.Buruiana,E.C.Buruiana, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, D. Prodan, C.Tamas, Nanocomposite used in dentistry, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.10. Suppl.1, p.19, 2005, ISSN 1473-2262
- C.Tamas, C. Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, A.Colceriu, L.Vezsenyi, G.Furtos, D.Prodan, Water sorption of some experimental dental composites based on (modified-Bis-GMA) superior olygomers, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.10. Suppl.1, p.33, 2005, ISSN 1473-2262
- L.Colceriu, S.Cimpean, A.Pop, M.Moldovan, A.Colceriu, Using mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide as a pulp-capping materials, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.10. Suppl.1, p.20, 2005, ISSN 1473-2262
- I.A.Tig, O.Fodor, M.Moldovan, Comparative SEM observation of classical and bonded amalgam restorations, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.10. Suppl.1, p.34, 2005, ISSN 1473-2262
- O. Fodor, I. Tig, M.Moldovan, In vitro” evaluation of the composite adhesion to dentine, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.10. Suppl.1, p.3, 2005, ISSN 1473-2262
- C. Alb, M.Manole, S. Alb, M. Moldovan, D. Dudea, The structure, composition and visual opacity of some dental composite resins, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.10. Suppl.1, p.10, 2005, ISSN 1473-2262
- M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, D.Borzea, C.Nicola, A.Farcas, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, S.Sava, Filler Systems, Interface and Radiopacity of some New Light-Curing Composite Materials, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.9, Suppl.1, p.7-8, 2005
- C.Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, L. Vezsenyi,D. Borzea, C.Nicola, S.Sava, & A.Farcas, Influence of the chemical composition upon the properties of some experimental dental indirect resin composites, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.9, Suppl.1, p.10-11, 2005
- S.Sava, D.Borzea, C.Nicola, A. Delean, C.Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, Study of the toxicological, biological and clinical properties for new restorative material, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.9, Suppl.1, p.9, 2005
- C.Nicola, S.Sava, D.Borzea, M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, An experimental dental indirect composite resin-biological and clinical trials, European Cells and Materials Journal, Vol.9, Suppl.1, p.12-13, 2005
- Hrab, D., Chisnoiu, A.M., Badea, M.E., Moldovan, M., Chisnoiu, R.M., Comparative radiographic assessment of a new bioceramic-based root canal sealer, Clujul Medical, 90(2), 226-230, 2017
- S.C. Cosma, N. Balc, D. Leordean, M. Moldovan, M. Dudescu, C. Borzan, Customized medical applications of selective laser melting manufacturing, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering; 13(1):24-32, 2015
- S.C. COSMA, N. BALC, M. MOLDOVAN, C. S. MIRON-BORZAN, Surface treatments applied on titanium implants, Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry, 26, 1, 41 - 48, 2015, doi: 10.2478/auoc-2015-0008
- M. Moldovan, D.Pordan, C. Prejmerean, C. Saroşi, V. Eugen and A. Saplonţai-Pop, Obtaining and characterisation of hydroxyapatite–zirconia powders by chemical precipitation, International Porous Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition, Sep 03 -06, 2013 in Cesme, Izmir – Turkey, Conference Proceedings, p.222-226, 2013; ISBN: 978-975-6590-05-8
- I. Cojocaru, S. Boboia, V. Saplontai, D. Prodan, L. Silaghi Dumitrescu, M. Moldovan, Preparation and characterization of the composites with HA/ZrO2/poly(methyl methacrylate), International Porous Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition, Sep 03 -06, 2013 in Cesme, Izmir – Turkey, Conference Proceedings, p.160-163, 2013; ISBN: 978-975-6590-05-8
- I. Cojocaru, S.Boboia, V. Saplontai, M. Saplontai, M.Moldovan, Study of biofilms with hydroxyapatite- poly(methyl methacrylate), Annals of the University of Craiova, XVII (LIII), p.615-18, 2012
- R. T. Toth, V.Saplontai, D.Dobrean, M.Saplontai, C. Plesa, M.Moldovan, R. Morar , Combined electrostatic separation and classc methods of recycling plastics from end-of-life vehicles, Buletinul AGIR no. 3, p.887-892, 2012
- I. A. Tig, O. Fodor, M. Moldovan, H. Câlniceanu, Comparative observation of SEM images of amalgam-tooth interface in classical and bonded amalgam restorations, Romanian Dentistry Review, Vol.LVI, No.1, 2010
- I. A. Tig, O. Fodor, M. Moldovan, H. Câlniceanu, Analysis of composite resins surface and of their interface with adhesive resins, Romanian Dentistry Review, Vol.LVI, No.3, 2010
- M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M.Trif, L.Silaghi Dumitrescu, O.Musat, D.Prodan, C.Sarosi, G.Furtos, I.Roman, S.Boboia, Interaction between biocomposites and co alloys for dental crowns, Metal Elements in Environment, Medicine and Biology,Tome IX, Cluj University Press, p.148-153, 2009; ISBN 978-973-620-437-1
- C.Alb, O.Fodor, I.Tig, M.Moldovan, S.Campian, C.Sarosi, D.Dudea, A.Popovici,Tensile bond strength of four adhesive systems, UASVM Bulletin, Veterinary Medicine, Vol.66, No.1, p.188-195, 2009; ISSN1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378
- M.Moldovan, T.Buruiana, M.Trif, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, G.Furtos, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, V.Popescu, S.F.Alb, Structural properties and resistance against abrasion of some new dental materials, UASVM Bulletin, Veterinary Medicine, Vol.66, No.1, p.213-219, 2009, ISSN1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378
- M.Trif, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, C.Tamas, D.Prodan, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C.Trisca-Rusu, Study of dental restorative materials by SEM microscopy, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Symposia, Vol.1, No.1, p.78–81, 2009
- L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, V.Prejmerean, C.Tamas, D.Prodan, M.Trif, Discoloration of some experimental dental composites, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Symposia, Vol.1, No.1, p.74-77, 2009
- A.Popovici, M.Trif, C.Nicola, M.Moldovan, O.Fodor, A.Roman, S.Sava, T.L.Barbu, Comparative study regarding some experimental hydroxyapatite adhesive systems, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Symposia, Vol.1, No.1, p.20–23, 2009
- M.Ionaş, M.Moldovan, V.Paşcalău, A.Fraţilă, C.Boitor, A.Delean, T.Ionaş, Quantity variation of residual monomer of two commercial adhesive systems in time, Romanian Dentistry Review, , No.3, p.177-181, 2009, ISSN 1843-0805
- M. Ionaş, A. Delean, M. Moldovan, T.Ionaş, SEM evaluation of adhesion quality obtained with a total-each adhesive in two-stroke, Cluj Medical, Vol.LXXXII, No.4, p.505-508, 2009, ISSN 1222-2119
- M.Ionaş, M.Moldovan, T. Ionas, Study the double residual variation of a commercial etch adhesive, Acta Medica Transilvania Review, Nr.1, p.85-88, 2009, ISSN-1453-1968
- D. Dudea, S. Neamţu, A.Florea, M.Moldovan, M. Badea, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C. Nicola, Study the side effects of an experimantal bleaching gel on dental enamel, Cluj Medical, Vol.82, No.1, p.123-128, 2009
- C.Alb, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, M.Trif, C.Sarosi, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, V. Pascalau, “The effect of ZrO2 and ZrO2-SiO2 nanostructured filler particles on polymeric composites for thin dental coatings, Studia Universitas Babes-Bolyai, Physica, Vol.LIII, No.2, p.95-102, 2008
- M. Moldovan, C. Fratila, I. Roman, M. Trif, C. Prejmerean, C. Tamas, D. Prodan, A. Colceriu, G. Furtos, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, I. Baldea, Surface treatments of TA6V4 alloy in relation with microstructure and cytotoxicity, “Research of Excellence-Romanian favorable premise for the development of space research”, Tehnica Publisher, Brasov, Vol.1, No.2, p.1-6, 2008
- C. Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, T.Buruiana, A.Badanoiu, G.Voicu, M. Trif, G. Furtos, D. Prodan, A. Colceriu, C. Tamas, Microstructure and mechanical properties of some dental resin modified glass ionomer cements, Research of Excellence-Romanian favorable premise for the development of space research”, Tehnica Publisher, Brasov, Vol.1, No.132, p.1-6, 2008
- O. Fodor, I. Tig, M. Moldovan, S. Cîmpean, I. Filimon, The water effect on the composite resin-dentin adhesion, Review Medicine Chir.Soc. Med Iasi, No.1, Supl.1, 2008
- O. Fodor, I. Tig, M. Moldovan, A. Popovici, A.Pop, Dental adhesives as means of protection for dentin wound: A study of electronomicroscopic, Transylvania Dental, No.2, 2007
- O. Fodor, I. Tig, M. Moldovan, A. Popovici, A.Pop, Mechanical properties of four resins composite, Transylvania Dental, No.2, 2007
- I.A. Tig, O.Fodor, M. Moldovan, A. Pop , Adhesive bond strength appreciation in case amalgam obturation, Transylvania Dental, No.2, 2007
- I.A. Tig, O.Fodor, M. Moldovan, A.Pop, Comparative observatin on the electronmicroscopy of tooth-filing interface in classical and adhesive amalgam fillings, Transylvania Dental, No.2, 2007
- M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, C.Tamas, M.Trif, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, New indirect restorative materials, Workshop on nanoscience and nanotechnology. Biomaterials Design and Applications, Predeal, Romania, p.347-352, 2007
- C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, R.Setnescu, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, C.Tamas, D.Prodan, M.Trif, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Color changes versus stabilization of dental resin composites, Workshop on nanoscience and nanotechnology. Biomaterials Design and Applications, Predeal Romania, p.135-142, 2007
- V. Popescu, G. Popescu, E. Indrea, M. Moldovan, Structural properties of thin PbS, CuS and CdS films obtained by chemical methods, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Workshop: Thin Films Design and Applications, BRAMAT, 2007
- M.Trif, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, I.Roman, C.Tamas, D.Prodan, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Microstructural investigation at the interface alloy/composite with hydroxyapatite, Research of Excellence-Romanian favorable premise for the development of space research”, Tehnica Pubilsher, Brasov, No.2, p.1-6, 2007
- C. Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, T.Buruiana, A.Badanoiu, G.Voicu, M. Trif, G. Furtos, D. Prodan, A. Colceriu, C. Tamas, “Relationship between resin matrix and the properties of some experimental dental resin modified glass ionomer cements”“Research of Excellence-Romanian favorable premise for the development of space research”, Tehnica Publisher, Brasov, No.132, p.1-6, 2007
- M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, V. Popescu, A. Colceriu, G. Furtos, C. Tamas, M.Bârsan, D. Prodan, M. Trif, Ceramic biomaterials used in medicine, Research of Excellence-Romanian favorable premise for the development of space research”, Printech Publisher, Braşov, Vol.1. L1-16, p.1-4, 2006
- S.Simon, M.Vasilescu, M.Moldovan, V.Simon, NMR and IR investigation of aluminosilicate glasses as components of dental materials, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, PHYSICA, Vol.50, No.2, p.87-92, 2005
- D.Borzea, C.Nicola, S.Sava, A.Delean, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, Chemical composition and properties of dental biocomposites used as restorative materials and as pit and fissure sealants, Cluj Medical, Vol.LXXVII, No.1, p.121-126, 2004
- L.Vezsenyi,C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, R.Grecu, L.Silaghi- Dumitrescu, N.Cazangiu, “Structural Characterization of the Dental Resins Used in Inlay-Onlay Techniques, Proc.Rom.Acad.,Series B, No.2, p.95-99, 2004
- C.Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M. Brie, G. Furtos, A. Colceriu, Influence of chemical composition upon the proprieties of some experimental dental resin-modified glass ionomer composites, Proc.Rom.Acad, No.1, p.15-21, 2004
- C.Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M. Brie, G. Furtos, A. Colceriu, L. Vezsenyi, Properties of some experimental self-curing and light-curing dental composites versus composition of resin matrix, Proc. Rom. Acad, No.1, p.7-13, 2004
- M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, V.Popescu, N. Jumate, G. Furtos, A. Colceriu, Properties of photopolymerizable dental composite materials with hybrid filler based on strontium and zinc glasses, Acta Technica Napocensis, No.45, p.187-192, 2002
- C.Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M. Brie, A. Mateiu, G. Furtos, Determination of the quantity of residual double bonds in dental polymers, Proc.Rom. Acad, Series B, No.2, p.91-97, 2001
- M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, M. Brie, V. Popescu, M. Vezsenyi, G. Furtos, Comparison of quartz, porcelain and (washed and unwashed) glass used as fillers in dental composites, Annals of Oradea University, Chemical Fascicola IX, p.283–288, 2002
- M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M. Brie, V.Popescu, M.Vezsenyi, G. Furtos, Fillers systems used indental posterios composites, Annals of Oradea University, Chemical Fascicola VIII, p.283–288, 2001
- C.Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M.Brie, R.Grecu, M. Trif, M.Vezsenyi, O.Muşat, Influence of the chemical nature of polyalkenoic acids and superficially active glasses on the proprties of some experimental dental ionomer cements, Proc. Rom. Acad, Series B, No.2, p.117-125, 2000
- C.Prejmerean, R.Grecu, M.Brie, O.Muşat, M.Vezsenyi, M. Moldovan, Influence of the chemical composition of some experimental dimethacrylic primers on the adhesion of the restorative composite resins to dental enamel, Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, No.3, p.197-203, 2000
- M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, M.Brie, L.Pascu, G.Furtos, M.Vezsenyi, C.Măruţoiu, The influence of some mixed fillers on physical and chemical stability of dental hybrid composites, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Seria F,No.2, p.51– 62, 2000
Cărţi şi capitole de carte
- S.Cuc, C.Saroşi, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, D.Prodan, G.Popescu, D.Dudea, M.Moldovan, Efectul unor agenţi de albire experimentali asupra durităţii suprafeţei unor materiale compozite dentare, Cercetarea in Medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii aplicative, Editura Colorama, ISBN 978-606-9389-6-4, 187-203, (2015).
- C.Sarosi, M.Rosu, S.Boboia, M.Filip, C.Alb, M.Moldovan, Efectul nanoparticulelor asupra cantității de monomer rezidual la nanocompozitele cu grafene, Cercetarea in Medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii aplicative, Editura Colorama, ISBN 978-606-9389-6-4, 88-93 (2015).
- M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, M.Filip, S.Cuc, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C.Gasparik, D.Dudea, Produse naturale indicate în stomatologia cosmetică, Cercetarea in Medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii aplicative, Editura Colorama, ISBN 978-606-9389-6-4, 236-246 (2015).
- D.Dudea, M.Mesaros, M.Moldovan, Efectele secundare ale tratamentelor de albire, Cercetarea in Medicina dentara- de la stud fundamentale spre domenii aplicative, Cercetarea in Medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii aplicative , Editura Colorama, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-606-93891-6-4, (2015).
- D.Prodan, D. Bogdan, M.Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, V. Popescu, S. Cuc, O. Pastrav, Cercetarea in medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii applicative, Materiale de sigilare radiculară pe bază de răşini , Cercetarea in Medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii aplicative, Editura Colorama, ISBN 978-606-9389-6-4, 236-246 (2015).
- C. Prejmerean, D.Prodan, S. Cuc, M. Moldovan, L. Colceriu, I. Hodisan, D. Dudea, V. Prejmerean, D. Bogdan, Cercetarea in medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii applicative, Giomerii- un nou concept de material pentru stomatologie. Compoziţie, studiul morfologiei suprafeţelor si colorării acestora, Editura Colorama, ISBN 978-606-9389-6-4, 236-246 (2015).
- Laura Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Doina Prodan, Gabriel Furtos, Alexandrina Roman, Vasile Prejmerean, Marioara Moldovan, Proprietati optice ale materialelor composite, Cercetarea in Medicina dentara, de la studii fundamentale spre domenii aplicative, Editura Colorama, ISBN 978-606-9389-6-4, 236-246 (2015).
- C. Prejmerean, T. Buruiana, T. Nunes, M. Moldovan and L.Colceriu, Biocomposites Based on New Monomer Systems Reinforced with Micro /Nanoparticles and Glass Fibers, InTech Open Acces Publisher, Composite Materials/Book 2, 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-353-8
- M. Moldovan, O. Fodor, C. Alb, C. Prejmerean, “Resin adhesion to hard dental tissues, Casa Cartii de Stiinta” Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 210 pp
- O. Horovitz, V.Popescu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, “Macromolecules and Composite. Experimental Applications” Mediamira Publisher, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, 218 pp, ISBN 973-713-053-7
Brevete și cereri de brevete
- Prejmerean C, Musat O, Moldovan M, Prodan D, Silaghi-Dumitrescu L, Furtos G, Trif M, Iovu H, Petrea C, Sarosi C, Boboia S, Colceriu-Burtea A L, Silaghi-Dumitrescu R L, Damian C M, Sarosi L C;“Compozita stomatologica pentru restauraria si profilaxia cariei”;
Patent No. 127617/30.03.2016 - M.Moldovan,O.Musat,C.Prejmerean,T.Buruiana,C.Sarosi,D.Prodan,S.Boboia,V.Popescu, „Endodontic materials used for obturation and sealing root canals”- Compozitie Endodontica pentru obturarea si sigilarea canalelor radiculare
Patent.Nr.127718/30.12.2015 - M.Moldovan, O.Musat, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, B.Petru, T.Buruiana, C.Alb, „Adhesive system for adhesion of restorative materials to hard dental tissues, including etching agent, an adhesion primer and an adhesive, and procedure for obtaining adhesion primer and adhesive included in this system”
Patent.Nr.123439/29.06.2012 - M.Moldovan, O.Musat, M.Trif , C.Prejmerean, T.Buruiana C.Tamas, D.Prodan, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, D.Dudea, “Self-etch adhesives used in dentistry”
Patent.Nr.123454/30.05.2012 - C.Prejmerean, A.Petrescu, A.Enescu, M.Moldovan, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, C.Tamas, M.Ionescu,M.Trif, D.Prodan, O.Musat, L. Silaghi Dumitrescu, P.Bodogam, Dental product composite type armed with glass fiber
Patent No.123334/30.09.2011 - C.Prejmerean, T.Buruiana, E.Buruiana, M.Moldovan, M.Trif, A.Antoniac, D.Prodan, G.Furtos, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C.Sarosi, O.Musat, Photopolymerizates composites in dentistry applies
Patent No.125579/30.09.2011 - Cristina Prejmerean; Marioara Moldovan; Tinca Buruiana, Emil Buruiana, Alina Badanoiu; Georgeta Voicu; Marcela Trif, Laura Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Gabriel Furtos; Aurora Colceriu; Codruta Tamas; Doina Prodan, Olga Musat, „Compozitie de matrice organica pe baza de acizi polialchenoici modificati si 2-hidroxi-etil-metacrilat, si compozitie de ciment ionomer modificat cu rasini, de uz stomatologic, care o contine,
RO 123366 B1, 30.11.2011 - M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, O.Musat, A.Colceriu, P.Bodoga, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, D.Prodan, C.Tamas, S.Muresan, „Composite material based on nanofiller meant for aesthetic dental restoration and process for preparing the same”
Patent No.122833/30.03.2010 - C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, A.I.Farcas, D.Prodan, S.Muresan, P.Bodoga, „Organic matrix, light-polymerizable paste and multifunction compomer to be used in dentistry”
Patent No.122762/29. 01.2010 - C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, A.Colceriu, L.Stanulet, C.Marcu, A.Ardelean, E.Hategan, P. Bodoga; O.Musat. „Dentistry nanofiller composite for dental restorations”
Patent No.122837/30.03.2010 - M.Brie, M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, O.Musat, T.Negreanu Popescu, G. Furtos, „Radio-opaque composition for dental r
estoration and process for preparing the same” Patent No.122832/30.03.2010 - M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, O.Musat, T.Buruiana, A.Colceriu, P.Bodoga, T.Marcela, G.Furtos, D.Prodan, C.Tamas
“Photopolymerisable biocomponents for tooth restoration”
Patent No.122434/30.06.2009 - M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, O.Musat, A.Colceriu, P.Bodoga, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, D.Prodan, C.Tamas, S. Muresan
“Direct restoration composite and process for preparing the same”
Patent No.122440/30.06.2009 - O.Musat, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M.Vezsenyi, M.Brie, “Composition for dental restoration and process for producing the same”
Patent No. 119112/30.06.2008 - M.Brie, M.Vezsenyi, O.Musat, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, Composition for etching tooth enamel and the process for obtaining it
Patent No.119277/30.06.2008 - C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, L.Vezsenyi, “Dental restoration composite material”
Patent No.122076/30.12.2008 - M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, P.Bodoga, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, A.I.Farcas, S.Muresan, ”Single paste-type bi-component composition for the prophylaxis of dental decay”
Patent No.122071/30.12.2008 - C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, D.Prodan, S.Muresan, P.Bodoga, „Dental cement composition
Patent No.122075/30.12.2008 - C.Prejmerean, M.Moldovan, T.Buruiana, E.Buruiana, A.Badanoiu, G.Voicu, M.Trif, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, C.Tamas, D.Prodan, O.Musat, „Dental product, ionomer cement type ,resins modified and the process of obtaining it”.
Request Patent A/00478/23.06.2008 - M.Moldovan, O.Musat, I.Antoniac, C.Prejmerean, M.Trif, C.Sarosi, S.Boboia, L.SilaghiDumitrescu, „Biomimitic biodegradable composition used for bone implants manufacture”
Request Patent A/01325/ 10.12.2010 - Prejmerean C, Moldovan M, Prodan D, Silaghi D L, Furtos G, Iovu H, Petrea C, Popescu V, Pascalau V, Sarosi C, oboia S,Filip M, Colceriu B A L, Silaghi D R L, Damian C M, Sarosi L C; “Composite for indirect restoration, applicable in dentistry comprises an organic matrix based on photo-baro-thermo-polymerizable monomers including dimethacrylic fluorinated monomers”; RO128800-A2 ; RO128800-A8
- Furtos G, Baldea B, Silaghi-Dumitrescu L, Prejmerean C, Moldovan M, Boboia S, Prodan D; “Dispozitiv corono radicular prefabricat de tip compozit radioopac armat cu fibre de sticla”; A 1323/06.12.2011
- Moldovan M, Prejmerean C, Prodan D, Silaghi D L, Sarosi C, Cuc S, DudeaD, Compozitia gelului de albire pe bază de agenţi natuali”, Cerere de brevet nr. A/00482/8.07.2015
- M. Moldovan, S. Pruneanu, C. Socaci, M. C. Rosu, C. Sarosi, S. Cuc, D. Prodan, Material compozit pe baza de oxid de grafena destinat restaurarilor dentare, Cerere de brevet nr. A/00902/24.11.2016
- Moldovan M, Prejmerean C, Prodan D, Sarosi C, Silaghi-Dumitrescu L, Dudea D, Gasparik C, Popescu G, Agapescu C, Compoziţie destinată albirii şi regenerării smalţului dentar cu proprietăţi specifice utlilzării acesteia în cosmetica dentară, Cererea de brevet nr. A00900/ 24.11.2016
- Premiu pentru rezultatele obtinute în cercetare în anul 2014 la UBB, CSI Moldovan Marioara (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 12.01. 2015
- Premiul BUNEA DANIEL for 2012 years, Moldovan Marioara (Babeş-Bolyai University,Cluj-Napoca) granted by the Romanian Society of Biomaterials
- Gold Medal to PRO INVENT 2012, "Composition biomimetics biodegradable destined the manufacturing of bone implants " Request Patent A/01325/ 10.12.2010, Autori: Moldovan Marioara, Olga Musat, Vasile Iulian Antoniac, Prejmerean Cristina, Marcela Trif, Codruta Sarosi, Stanca Boboia, Laura Silaghi Dumitrescu
International Salon of Inventica PRO INVENT, Xth march, 2012, Cluj-Napoca - Silver Medal to EUREKA, 2010, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, P.Bodoga, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, A.Farcas
„Two component composition, mono-paste type, for dental caries prophylaxis” Patent No.122071/30.12.2008
The Belgian and International Trade Fair for Technological Innovation, 20th nov.,Brussels - Gold Medal to PRO INVENT 2010, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, P.Bodoga, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, A.Farcas , “Two-component composition, manopasta type, for dental caries prophylaxis” Patent No.122071/30.12.2008
International Salon of Inventica PRO INVENT, VIII th march, 2010, Cluj-Napoca - Diploma of excellence and Silver Medal toPRO INVENT 2010, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, P.Bodoga, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, A.Farcas , “Two-component composition, manopasta type, for dental caries prophylaxis” Patent No.122071/30.12.2008. International Salonu of Inventica PRO INVENT, VIII thmarch, 2010, Cluj-Napoca
- Gold Medal to INVENTIKA 2009, C.Prejmerean, A.Petrescu, A.Enescu, M.Moldovan, G.Furtos, A.Colceriu, C.Tamas, M.Ionescu, M.Trif, D.Prodan, O.Musat, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, P.Bodoga, Dental product composite type armed with glass fiber and the process forobtaining it, Patent No.123334/20.04.2007
- Bronze Medal to INVENTIKA 2009, M.Moldovan, O.Musat, M.Trif, C.Tamas, D.Prodan, L.Silaghi–Dumitrescu, D.Dudea, “Self-etch adhesives used in dentistry”, Patent.Nr.123454/30.05.2012
- Prize for the best poster, C. Sarosi, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M.Trif, M.Rusu, Gh. Marcu, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu, C.Nicola, “SEM and IR analysis of some experimental nanocomposites used in medicine”
International Conference “Biomaterials & Medical Devices” BiomMedD’2008, 13-16th november, 2008, Bucharest - Prize for the best poster, A.Almasi, M.Moldovan, D.Prodan, C.Tamas, D.Borzea
“The comparative absorption and solubility of experimental and commercial nano-composites in 4 diverse environments”
International Congress on Dentistry "NAPOCA BIODENT",8-10th november, 2007, Cluj-Napoca,ISBN 978-973-8915-45-9 - Excellence Diploma and 1st Prize, M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, A. Colceriu, G. Furtos, L. Vezsenyi
Technology transfer for dental products: SEALING S/L; RESTACRIL AP/P; RESTACRILAL/C, Created in Romania, CONRO, 7-12th octombrie, 2003, Bucharest - 1st Prize, M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, A. Colceriu, G. Furtos, L. Vezsenyi, Technology transfer for dental products: SEALING S/L; RESTACRIL AP/P; RESTACRILAL/C, National Symposium MATNANTECH, iuly, 2003, Neptun
- Diploma for the best poster, M. Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, D. Prodan, „Preparation and Characterization of same Nanofiller and Nanocomposite used in Dentistry”, International Conference ”Biomaterials&Madical Devices”, november, 2004, Bucharest, ISBN 973-718-083-6
- Prize for the best poster, O. Fodor, M. Moldovan, A. Pop, I. Tig, “Physical, chemical and structural characteristics of composite resins”, International Congress of Dental Materials-NAPOCA BIODENT, november, 2005, Cluj-Napoca
- Excellence Diploma for ”Best oral presentation supported by a young research”, A.Colceriu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, A.Farcas, “ Composite with zirconium nanofillers used to restore the morphology of dental crowns”, National Symosium MATNANTECH, 14thFebruary, 2004, Busteni
- Second Prize in the ”Young Researches in Matnantech Program”, A.Colceriu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, G.Furtos, L.Vezsenyi, D.Prodan, „Composite with zirconium nanofillers used to restore the morphology of dental crowns”
National Symosium MATNANTECH, 15thOctomber, 2004, Sinaia - C.Tamas, M.Moldovan, M.Rusu, V.Simon, A.Colceriu, D.Prodan, G.Furtos, C.Alb, “Nanoparticles for dental composites, preparation and characterization”, Travel Award, 20th European Conference on Biomaterials, September-Octomber, 2006, Nantes
- A.Colceriu, M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, D.Prodan, L.Vezsenyi, G.Furtos, C.Tamas, L.Colceriu, “The obtaining and characterization of some dental nanocomposites and the relationship between the abrasive wear and their nanostructure” Travel Award, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials, September, 2005, Sorrento, Italia
- C.Alb, S.Alb, M.Moldovan, D.Dudea, A.Pop, S.Baciu, “In vivo and in vitro study of a new dental composite material” (prezentare orala), Travel Award, 19th European Conference on Biomaterials”, September, 2005, Sorrento, Italia
- Moldovan Marioara
6th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BIOMMEDD’2014 on 17th– 20stSeptember, 2014, “Effect of a natural whitening agent application on restorative composites “ - M. Moldovan
5th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BiomMedD’2012, on 29thAugust – 1stSeptember, 2012. - M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, M.Trif, O. Musat, A.Colceriu, G. Furtos, C. Tămaş, D. Prodan, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu
“Cytotoxic effects and chemical properties of the dental adhesives”
Workshop Support, COST D33, Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry, march, 2009
(oral presentation) - C. Prejmerean, M. Moldovan, M. Trif, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, G. Furtos, D. Prodan, C. Sarosi, S.Boboia
Study of dental tissues / resin-based materials interface” COST D33 Final Workshop Nanoscale Electrochemical and Bioprocesses (Corrosion) at Solid-aqueous Interfaces of Industrial Materials, 13th–15th May, 2009, Cluj – Napoca, Romania, ISBN: 978-606-8008-30-1 (oral presentation) - M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, M.Trif, O. Musat, A.Colceriu, G. Furtos, C. Tămaş, D.Prodan, L.Silaghi-Dumitrescu
“Possible breakage mechanism to the filler-resin link and composite/dentine interface”
Workshop Support, COST D33, 2008, Obernei, Franta (oral presentation) - M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, M.Trif, A.Colceriu, G.Furtos, C.Tamas, D.Prodan
„Biochemical and microbiological processes occurring at the interfaces between dental materials and oral medium”
Workshop Support, COST D33, Dipartimento Di Fisica, CASTI, CNR-INFM Regional Laboratory, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, May, 2007, Aquila, Italy (oral presentation) - M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, M.Trif, A.Colceriu, G. Furtos, C. Tamas, D. Prodan “Establish chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes, who happened at the interfaces: metal; composite; dental hard tissue in oral medium” Workshop Support, COST D33, Dunarea de Jos University, September, 2006, Galati, Romania (oral presentation)
- M. Moldovan, C. Prejmerean, M.Trif, A.Colceriu, G. Furtos, C. Tamas, D. Prodan
“Chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes, at the interface metal/composite materials in artificial saliva” Workshop Support, COST D33, TNO Science and Industry, December, 2006, Den Helder, Nederland (oral presentation) - M.Moldovan, C.Prejmerean, A.Colceriu, C.Tamas, G.Furtos, D.Prodan, M.Trif, M.Barsan
“Effect of coupling agents on the local mechanical properties of bioactive dental composites” International Conference on Biomaterials & Medical Devices- BiomMedD'2006, November, 2006, Iasi, Romania (oral presentation)