Marcus Ioan

Experienţa profesională
- 2008 – Prezent
- Conducător de Doctorat | Domeniul Medicină Veterinară | Specializarea Fiziologie Normală şi pathologică, FMV CN, USAMV Cluj-Napoca
- 2004 - Prezent
- Şeful Disciplinei de Fiziopatologie | Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Titularul Cursului de Fiziopatologie, Semestrele 5-6, Anul III, FMV Cluj-Napoca, Linia de predare Română şi Linia de predare în Franceză; Titularul cursurilor de Hematologie veterinaire (Anul III, Linia Franceză) şi Elevage, Biologie et Pathologie des Animaux de Laboratoire (Anul II, Linia Franceză)
- 2015 – Prezent
- Coordonatorul Centrului Interdisciplinar pentru Educaţie şi Cercetare în Bioetică, dezvoltat în cadrul proiectului BEST-NetWORK, finanţat de Comisia Europeană, prin programul START Danube Region Project Fund. Universitatea de ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca, Calera Mănăştur, nr. 3-5, cod. 400372, Cluj-Napoca, jud. Cluj, România
- 2012-2014
- Prodecan responsabil cu Cercetarea ştiinţifică şi relaţiile internaţionale Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, USAMV Cluj-Napoca
- 2008-2012
- Director Departamentul III – Discipline Paraclinice
- 2000-2004
- Conferenţiar universitar, Disciplina de Fiziopatologie, Titularul Cursului de Creşterea, biologia şi Patologia Animalelor de laborator
- 1997-2000
- Şef de lucrări, Disciplina de Fiziopatologie, Titularul Cursului de Creşterea, biologia şi Patologia Animalelor de laborator
- 1992-1997
- Asistent universitar, Disciplina de Fiziopatologie
- 1991-1992
- Asistent universitar, Disciplina de Patologie Medicală
- 1897-1991
- Medic veterinar practician, CSV Crăieşti, Judeţul Mureş.
Educaţie și formare
- 2014-2016
- Research Ethics Training Program | NIH Fogarty International Program | Research Ethics Education in the Balkans and Black sea Countries, Icahn School of Medicime at Mount Sinai, NY, USA, Belgrade School of Medicine, Serbia. Specializarea dobândită: Etica cercetării ştiinţifice pe animale.
- 1994-2000
- Facultatea de Psihologie şi ştiinţele Educaţiei | Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, Certificat de absolvire.
- 1992-1999
- Stagiu de Doctorat | Domeniul Medicină Veterinară | Specializarea Fiziologie Normală şi Patologică | Titlul tezei de doctorat: Investigaţii paraclinice în creşterea tumorală la animale. Specializarea dobândită: Doctor în ştiinţe Medicale Veterinare (PhD).
- 1982-1987
- Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară | Institutul Agronomic Cluj-Napoca Diplomă de absolvire Doctor Medic Veterinar (DVM). Specializarea dobândită: Medic veterinar practician. Clinica animalelor de fermă
- 1977-1982
- Liceul Agro-Industrial Livada, Jud. Satu-Mare. Medicină Veterinară
Competenţe manageriale
- 2015-Prezent
- Director Centrul Interdisciplinar de Educaţie şi Cercetare în Bioetică, Institutul de ştiinţile Vieţii | Etaj 1 | Cam. 41 | USAMV Cluj-Napoca.
- 2014-Prezent
- Preşedintele Comisiei de Bioetica Experimentelor pe Animale din FMV Cluj-Napoca, şi Membru în Comisia de Bioetică a USAMV Cluj-Napoca;
- 2004-Prezent
- Titularul Disciplinei de Fiziopatologie, FMV Cluj-Napoca.
- 2012-2014
- Prodecan responsabil cu Cercetarea ştiinţifică şi relaţiile internaţionale. 2011-2012 | Director Departamentul III – Discipline Parclinice, FMV Cluj-Napoca
- 2008-2012
- şeful Catedrei III-Discipline Paraclinice, FMV Cluj-Napoca.
- 2008-Prezent
- Coordonator al Programului Naţional de Educaţie Continuă la nivelul FMV Cluj-Napoca, Medicii veterinari din cele 11 judeţe din Transilvania.
- 2002-2005
- Coordonator al Programului CEEPUS, USAMV Cluj-Napoca.
Competenţe de specialitate
- Fiziopatologie (explicarea mecanismelor fundamentale ale bolilor sistemice)
- Medicină experimentală (ex: oncologie, diabetologie, medicină regenerativă)
- Bioetica experimentării pe animale.
- Etica cercetării ştiinţifice translaţionale.
Activitate didactică
- Curs de Fiziopatologie, Anul III, Semestrul 5 şi 6, Linia de predare Română.
- Curs de Bioetica Experimentelor pe Animale, Anul IV, Semestrul 8 (Ro, Fr, Eng)
- Curs de Bioetica Experimentelor pe Animale, Scoala doctorală USAMV Cluj-Napoca. Cours de Physiopathologie, Anul III, Semestrul 5 & 6, Linia de predare Franceză. Cours de Hematologie Veterinaire, Anul III, Semestrul 6, Linia Franceză.
- Cours d’Elevage, Biologie et Pathologie des Animaux de laboratoire. FMV Cluj- Napoca, Anul II, Semestrul 4, Linia de predare în Franceză.
Cărţi de specialitate
- 2011 | Fiziopatologie: Tulburări funcţionale şi Mecanisme etiopatogenice (Coord. Prof. Ioan Marcus), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- 2004 | Biologia şi Patologia Animalelor de Laborator, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca 2003 | Fiziopatologie (Al. Pop, I. Marcus), Editura Risoprint Cluj-Napoca.
- 2002 | Fiziopatologie experimentală (Al. Pop, I. Marcus, B. Sevastre), Editura Risoprint Cluj-Napoca (Manual pentru activităţi practice cu studenţii anului III).
- 2001 | Fiziopatologie: Tulburări funcţionale şi mecanisme compensatorii (Al. Pop, I. Marcus), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- 2000 | Introducere în Fiziopatologia şi Morfologia Cancerului, Edit Roprint Cluj.
Afiliere societăţi profesionale/știinţifice
- 2012-Prezent
- Vice-preşedinte Societatea Română de Fiziopatologie (SRFP).
- 2008-Prezent
- Preşedinte Asociaţia Generală a Medicilor Veterinari din România, (AGMVR) filiala Cluj.
- 2010-Prezent
- Secretar Societatea de Patologie Comparată şi Experimentală.
- 2015-Prezent
- Membru Asociaţia Europeană pentru Cercetarea Cancerului. 2010-Prezent | Membru Societatea Română de Bioetică (SRB).
- 2005-Prezent
- Preşedinte Asociaţia Creştin-Democraţia Cluj-Napoca.
Cercetare ştiinţifică
- Director Grant 28 BG/2016 | PNCDI III | Cod PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0335 | Dezvoltarea unor produse funcţionale nutraceutice cu aplicaţii în alimentaţia sănătoasă și medicina regenerativă, obţinute prin utilizarea unor tehnologii inovatoare și sustenabile (PROFI-ZONAR)
- Director Grant 16_PA07-C1 (2015-2016) | START Danube Region Project Fund | Bioethics Standards in Translational research: an integrated approach of the Bioethics education in biomedical sciences and its role in the development of knowledge based society in Danube countries (BEST-NetWORK).
- Responsabil USAMV Cluj-Napoca (PI) | Grant 61-002/2017 (2007-2010) | PNCDI II | Domeniul: Parteneriate | Obţinerea și caracterizarea unor noi medicamente ţintă cu substanţă activă naftochinonică (NANO-QMed).
- Director Grant 105/2006 | Programul CEEX – Cercetare de Excelenţă (20062008) | Modul III | PNCDI II | Promovarea unei abordări integrate cu privire la cercetare în domeniul patologiei celulare și tisulare comparate, în vederea ajustării tematicilor autohtone la standardele europene (PATHCERO).
- Director Grant 19/2005 | Cod CNCSIS 790 (2005-2007) | Cercetări clinice și de laborator privind influenţa unor compuși exogeni (Apa sărăcită în Deuteriu) asupra dezvoltării cancerului experimental la animale de laborator.
- Director Grant 25 | Cod CNCSIS 577 (2002-2004) | Cercetări privind implicaţiile clinice și paraclinice ale unor forme de stres fizic și chimic în evoluţia cancerului experimental de transplant la animale de laborator.
Publicaţii ştiinţifice
Articole știinţifice publicate în reviste de specialitate (BDI/ISI):
- Total publicaţii: 105
- Prim autor: 70
- Reviste indexate Web of science: 10
Patente omologate OSIM
- Brevet de invenţie 127496, A2-A61K 47/48, publicat în Buletinul oficial pentru prorietate industrială, secţia Patente, RO-BOPI 6/2012, 30. 07. 2012, pg. 29. Immunoconjugates with antiproliferative naphtalendione cytotoxic paylod used in the control of malignant tumor growth: Tamaian Radu, Marcus Ioan, și colab;
- Brevet de invenţie 127619, A2–A61K 1/04, publicat în Buletinul oficial pentru prorietate industrială, secţia Patente, RO-BOPI 7/2012, 30. 07. 2012, pg. 17. Naphtelendionic derivative used in the control of the tumor growth. Niculescu Violeta Carolina, Tamaian Radu, Marcus Ioan și colab.
Manifestări ştiinţifice în calitate de organizator
- International Training Workshop | 26 Februarie 2016 | Implementing Bioethics in Translational research: Major challenges and future networking opportunities, Universitatea din Ljubljana, Facultatea de Arte, Slovenia (A6 | BEST-NetWORK);
- International One Day Seminar (3 Iulie, 2015) Responsible Conduct in Translational Research, University of Belgrade Medical School, Serbia (A3 | BEST-NetWORK);
- International Round Table (18-19 Iunie 2015) | Bioethical standards in Translational Research | Bulgarian Center of Bioethics, Sofia, Bulgaria (A2 | BEST-NetWORK);
- Conferinţa internaţională de Patologie Celulară și Tisulară, 3-5 iulie 2008, organizată în cadrul proiectului PATHCERO (USAMV Cluj-Napoca);
- Masă rotundă cu participare internaţională (13.11.2007) | Cercetarea ştiinţifică în domeniul patologiei comparate: posibilităţi şi oportunităţi de participare la Programul Cadru 7 al UE. Organizată în cadrul Proiectului CEEX 105/2006.
- Workshop international, 4 – 6 XII 2007, Functional Genomics and their validation in cancer diagnosis and therapy- bioethical conditions and european legislation.
- Seminar internaţional (24.11.2006)| Cercetarea Știinţifică românească: între visul European și realitatea de acasă. Organizat în cadrul Grantului CEEX 105/2006-2008.
Cărţi de literatură
- Virgil Salanţiu: Pictorul și Pictura, 2013, Album de artă, Edit. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca
- Iluzia Modernităţii, 2004 (eseuri, articole), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- Provocările Neantului, 2003 (eseuri), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- Vânătorul de Absolut, 2002 (poezie), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- Biografia unei Neputinţe, 2000 (eseuri şi articole), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- Imaginea Lucrurilor, 2000 (poezie), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- Anotimpuri printre Cuvinte, 2000 (antologie), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- Cerul înstelat deasupra mea, 2002 (antologie), Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca.
- Întâmplări cu Zeităţi Mărunte, 1997 (poezie), Editura Mesagerul, Cluj-Napoca.
Burse şi stagii de specializare
- 2016 | Mobilitate de predare ERASMUS, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul de Fiziopatologie, Universitatea de Știinţele Vieţii, Wroclaw, Polonia.
- 2015 | Mobilitate de predare ERASMUS, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul de Genetică Animală, Universitatea din Cordoba, Spania.
- 2014 | Mobilitate de predare ERASMUS, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul de Patologie, Universitatea Mayis Ondokus, Samsun, Turcia.
- 2013 | Mobilitate de predare ERASMUS, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul de Genetică Animală, Universitatea din Cordoba, Spania.
- 2012 | Mobilitate de predare ERASMUS, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul de Patologie animală, Universitatea din Bari, Italia.
- 2011 | Mobilitate de predare ERASMUS, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul de Patologie, Universitatea cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spania.
- 2007 | Stagiu de lucru, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departmentul de Medicină internă, Universitatea din Budapesta, Ungaria.
- 2007 | Stagiu de documentare, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Laboratorul de Citogenetică animală, Universitatea din Cordoba, Spania.
- 2006 | Stagiu de specializare în cadrul Disciplinei de Patologie generală, Biologie moleculară, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Universitatea din Liege, Belgia.
- 2003 | Bursă Socrates-Erasmus | Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Departamentul de Genetică Animală, Universitatea din Cordoba, Spania.
- 2003 | Bursă CEEPUS | Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Disciplina de Fiziopatologie, Universitatea de Știinţele Vieţii din Wroclaw, Polonia.
- 1995 | Bursă Thempus-Phare (3 luni), Departamentul de Patologie generală, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Universitatea din Liege, Belgia.
Certificate şi calificări
- Project manager Certificate | Professional Skills Certificate issued by the National Council of the Qualification and Vocational Training for Adults (CNCFPA), Regional Training Center for Adults Cluj, 07. 09. 2011/1819.
- Diploma of attendance, awarded in recognition of attending the Management of European Projects Course, 19-23 of November, 2007, organized by University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca.
Distincţii şi premii câştigate/acordate
- 2012 | Diploma de Aur și Medalia de Aur, pentru Brevetul “Immunoconjugates with cytotoxic natalendionic antiproliferative load”, Brussels EUREKA – The Belgian and International Trade Fair for Technological Innovation;
- 2011 | Profesor Bologna | Distincţie acordată de Alianţa Naţională a Organizaţiilor Studenţești din România, cu ocazia galei Profesorului Bologna, Cluj-Napoca;
- 2011 | Diploma de excelenţă și Merdalia de Argint pentru Brevetul de invenţie „Imunoconjugaţi cu încărcătură antiproliferativă naftelendionică”, Salonul internaţional de inventică PROINVENT, Ediţia IX, Cluj-Napoca.
- 2007 | Diplomă de Excelenţă pentru rezultate excepţionale obţinute în anul 2007 în cercetarea știinţifică, acodată dfe Rectorul USAMV Cluj-Napoca.
- 2004 | Medalia pentru Progresul Medicinei Veterinare, acordată de Asociaţia Generală a Medicilor Veterinari din România, Congresul IX al AGMVR, Iasi.
Alte realizări
- Fondator și Coordonator al Revistei de Creație și Cultură “FEEDBACK”, publicată în cadrul USAMV Cluj-Napoca (Nr. 2/2017);
- Coordonator al revistei Coloana a Cincea (1999-2004), USAMV Cluj-Napoca
Lista lucrărilor ştiinţifice publicate
Perioada 2016-2020
- HOSTIUC SORIN, MOLDOVEANU A., DASCĂLU M.I, UNNTHORSSON R, JÓHANNESSON ÓI, MARCUS IOAN, 2016, Translational research: the need of a new bioethics approach. J of Translational Medicine,14:1-10. IF=3.936
- ALEXANDRA IULIA DREANCĂ, IOAN MARCUS, 2016, The biological effects of the bovine milk extract (Efectele biologice ale extractului din lapte de bovine), Rev Rom Med Vet, Vol. 26 | Nr. 1: 60-66.
- MUNTEAN V, I MARCUS, 2016, Techniques of Anestesia and Blood sampling in Fish (Tehnici de Anestezie și Recoltarea probelor de sânge la pești), Rev Rom Med Vet, Vol. 26 | Nr. 1: 53-59.
- AMALIA MARINA NEAGU, I. MARCUS, A. GAL., 2016, Vaccine associated sarcoma in cats: epidemiological and histopathological issues (Sarcoamele postvacinale la pisică), Rev Rom Med Vet, Vol. 26 | Nr. 1: 27-36.
Perioada 2011-2015
- IOANA BEDECEAN, BOGDAN SEVASTRE, RALUCA VIDRIGHINESCU, ANDRAS NAGY, ROXANA L. STAN, DANIELA BENEDEC, DANIELA HANGANU AND IOAN MARCUS, 2015, Protective effect of Rosmarinus officinalis ethanolic extract against ccl4-induced liver damage in rats, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 72(2).
- IOANA BEDECEAN, RALUCA VIDRIGHINESCU, ORSOLYA SARPATAKI, ANDRAS NAGY, BOGDAN SEVASTRE, IOAN MARCUS, 2015, Dose dependent results in an induced model of chronic hepatitis with CCl4 in mice, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 72(1).
- SORIN HOSTIUC, DIANA BADIU, TONY L. HANGAN, MIHAELA HOSTIUC, IRINA RENTEA, ADINA LUNGU, ALEXANDRA VRAPCIU, IOAN MARCUS, SIMONA VLADAREANU, DAN NAVOLAN, CONSTANTIN RUSU MUGUREL, IRINA RENTEA, IONUT NEGOI, 2015, Whole genome sequencing followed by preimplantation genetic diagnosis. A translational approach to ethical issues, [11] 128-130 [2015] DOI: 10.18643/gieu.2015.128, (ISI).
- MARCUS IOAN, SORIN HOSTIUC, IRINA RENTEA, ION COPOERU, CORINA CATANA, ASSYA PASCALEV, TATJIANA GAZIBARA, MARIA ALUAS, 2015, Bioethical approaches and Responsible conduct in Translational research: ca case study on developing a Center of Education and Research in Bioethics within the Life sciences area, International Symposium of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Book of Abs, 614.
- MARCUS IOAN, ALEXANDRA DREANCĂ, 2015, Clinical and laboratory investigation concerning the biological effects of a bovine milk extract (Lactoser) on the development of Walker 256 carcinoma grafted in Wistar rats, International Symposium “Third Millennium Agriculture”, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Book of abstracts, 602.
- DERMENGIU D, S. HOSTIUC, M. SIMIONESCU, I. MARCUS, V. ASAVEI, E. V. GHERGHE, E. BADILA, 2015, Is a full-fledged informed consent viable in prison environments? Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 24(2)143-150(2015) DOI:10.4323/rjlm.2015.143 (IF= 0.233)
- SEVASTRE B., O. SARPATAKI, N.K. OLAH, R.L. STAN, M. TAULESCU, I. MARCUS, C. CATOI, 2014, Anti-Tumor Effect of Euonymus Europaeus on Ehrlich Tumor Cells In Vivo, Farmacia, Vol.62, 5, 907-917 (IF=1.251)
- MARCUS I, 2013, Why is the Bioethics of the Animals experimentation required? Current shortcomings and challenges for biomedical research, Book of abstracts, International Symposium UASVM CN, pg. 147.
- SANTE ROPERTO, VALERIA RUSSO, AYHAN OZKUL, AYLIN SEPICI-DINCEL, PAOLA MAIOLINO, GIUSEPPE BORZACCHIELLO, IOAN MARCUS, IOLANDA ESPOSITO, MARITA GEORGIA RICCARDI, FRANCO ROPERTO, 2013, Bovine papillomavirus type 2 infects the urinary bladder of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and plays a crucial role in bubaline urothelial carcinogenesis, J. Gen Virol, vol. 94, 2 403-408, (IF = 3.529)
- SEVASTRE B., N.K. OLAH, D. HANGANU, O. SARPATAKI, M. TAULESCU, R. MANALACHIOAIE, I. MARCUS, C. CATOI, 2012, Viscum album L. Alcoholic Extract Enhance the Effect of Doxorubicin in Ehrlich Carcinoma Tumor Cells. Rom. Biotech. Lett. 17(1):6975-81. (IF = 0.351)
- SEVASTRE B., M. TAULESCU, O. SARPATAKI, I. BEDECEAN, A. STEFAN, I. MARCUS, C. CATOI, 2012, Immunohistochemical Identification of Canine Melanocytic Neoplasms and Prognostic Evaluation of Ki67 Expression, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 69(1-2) 197-206 pISSN 1843-5270; eISSN 1843-5378
- SEVASTRE B., M. TAULESCU, O. SARPATAKI, R. MANALACHIOAIE, I. MARCUS, C. CATOI, 2011, Molecular Prognostic Parameters in Dog Melanocytic Neoplasms. Rev.Rom.Med.Vet. 21(4): 23-34 ISSN 1220-3173
- ORSOLYA SÁRPATAKI , BOGDAN SEVASTRE, NELI KINGA OLAH, DANIELA HANGANU, MARIAN TAULESCU, RADU MĂNĂLĂCHIOAE, CORNEL CĂTOI, IOAN MARCUS, 2011, Antitumor effects of Viscum album L. on Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma In vivo; Bulletin USAMV, vol. 68 (1), Print ISSN 1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378,p320-328
- SEVASTRE B, I. MARCUS, R. TAMAIAN, 2011, In silico Identification of New Antiproliferative Compounds, Inhibitors of Matrix Metalloproteinases. Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 68(1) 334-43 pISSN 1843-5270.
- RADU MĂNĂLĂCHIOAE, ORSOLYA SÁRPATAKI, IULIA PRODAN, BOGDAN SEVASTRE, IOAN MARCUS, 2011, The Influence of Different Levels of Acute Calorie Restriction on Several Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Rats, Bulletin USAMV, vol. 68 (1), Print ISSN 1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378, 207-213.
- RADU MĂNĂLĂCHIOAE, ORSOLYA SÁRPATAKI, IULIA PRODAN, BOGDAN SEVASTRE, IOAN MARCUS, 2011, Swimming TMaze and Radial Maze: two Cognitive Procedural Experiments to Determine the Influence of Acute Calorie Restriction over Learning Abilities in Wistar Rats, Bulletin USAMV, vol. 68 (1), Electronic ISSN 1843-5378, 213-221.
- MARCUS I, IULIA PRODAN, SEVASTRE B, SARPATAKI O, MANALACHIOAIE R, TAMAIAN R, 2011, In vivo testing of the biological effects of new synthesized 2-cloro-3-nicotinamido -1,4 – naphtoqui-none (CNNQ) and 2-mercapto-3nicotinamido -1,4-naphtoquinone (MNNQ), International Conference of Animal Pathophysiology, St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Sankt Petersburg, Russia, 139-141
- SEVASTRE B, NELI KINGA OLAH, DANIELA HANGANU, ORSOLYA SÁRPATAKI, TAULESCU M, MĂNĂLĂCHIOAE R, MARCUS I, CĂTOI C, 2011, Evaluation of Viscum album L. alcoholic extract in combination chemotherapy, International Conference of Animal Pathophysiology, St. Petersburg State Academy, Russia, Conference volume, 142.
- MARCUS I, A.G. BÂLE, F. ROPERTO, B. SEVASTRE, C. CĂTOI, 2011, Study on the clinical correlations between bladder cancer and esophageal papilloma in cattle diagnosed with enzootic haematuria in a risk area from Maramures County, The 10th National Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Poster, Volum abstracte, 68-69.
- ROPERTO, S.; BORZACCHIELLO, G.; PERILLO, A.; BALINT, E.; LEONARDI, L.; SALDA, L. DELLA; FERRARI, A.; IOVANE, V.; URRARO, C.; LUCÁ, R.; RUSSO, V.; MARCUS, I.; SALVATORE, G.; ROPERTO, F., 2011, Neuroendocrine differentiation of papillomavirus-associated tumours and tumour-like lesions of the urinary bladder in cattle, Veterinary Science Research, 2011 Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 30-38, (IF = 1.649)
Perioada 2000-2010
- MARCUS I, 2010, Clinical and laboratory investigation in veterinary oncology:methods used, results interpretation and their practical usefulness, Revista Română de Medicină Veterinară, vol. 20, nr. 1/2010, 11-38. ISSN:1220-3173.
- SEVASTRE B, M. TAULESCU, R MOUSSA, IULIA PRODAN, C. CATOI, I. MARCUS, 2010, Diagnosis and Therapy in Dog Melanoma. Revista Română de Medicină Veterinară, 20(4): 33-42. ISSN 1220-3173 .
- MANALACHIOAIE R, B. SEVASTRE, PRODAN IULIA, ANA-MARIA TOIU, DANIELA BENEDEC, ILIOARA ONIGA, I. MARCUS, C. DELIU, 2010, Comparative Evaluation of Antidepressant Effects of Two Hypericum Species (H. perforatum L. and H. maculatum C) in Swiss Mice, Bulletin UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 67 (1) / 2010, 115-119, ISSN 1843-5270;
- IULIA PRODAN , BOGDAN SEVASTRE, RADU MANALACHIOAE, ANA-MARIA TOIU,DANIELA BENEDEC, ILIOARA ONIGA, C. DELIU, IOAN MARCUS, 2010, Testing of Antitumor Effects of Hypericum Perforatum L. and Hypericum Maculatum C. in Ehrlich Ascite in Swiss Mice, Bull. UASVM, Veterinary Medicine 67 (1)/2010, 243-248, ISSN 1843-5270.
- BOGDAN SEVASTRE, IULIA PRODAN, RADU MANALACHIOAE, IOAN MARCUS, A.M SCARLAT, MIRCEA TAMAS, 2010, Antitumor Effect of Coriolus versicolor Queil Alcoholic Extract Bulletin USAVM, Veterinary Medicine 67 (1), 263-269, ISSN 1843-5270; Electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
- SEVASTRE B, NELI KINGA OLAH, IULIA PRODAN, R MANALACHIOAIE, IOAN MARCUS, DANA HANGANU,2010, Comparison of Antitumor Effect in Two Viscum album L. Extracts, Bulletin UASVM Cluj, Veterinary Medicine 67 (1) /2010, 270-276,ISSN 1843-5270; Electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
- FLORINA DAIANA OŞAN, D. BORZEA, I TĂTARU, IULIA PRODAN, R. MĂNĂLĂCHIOAE, IOAN MARCUS, 2010, Biocompatibility study concerning hematological reactions accompanying subcutaneous implantation of some dental products in Wistar rats, Bulletin USAVM Cluj-Napoca, Veterinary Medicine 67 (1) / 2010, 185-192, ISSN 1843-5270.
- FLORINA TĂTARU OŞAN, D. BORZEA, I. TĂTARU, IULIA PRODAN, I. MARCUS, 2010, Biocompatibility study concerning serum biochemical changes that accompany subcutaneous implantation of some dental materials in Wistar rats, Bulletin USAVM Cluj-Napoca, Veterinary Medicine 67 (1)/2010, 193-201, ISSN 1843-5270.
- PRODAN IULIA, R. MĂNĂLĂCHIOAE, B. SEVASTRE, VIOLETA NICULESCU, NADIA PAUN, R. TĂMĂIAN, I. MARCUS, 2010, Antiproliferative Effect of 2-cloro-3-nicotinamido-1,4-naphthoquinone, a Newly Synthesized Naphthoquinone, The 16th Conference “Progress in Cryogenics and Isotopes Separation”, National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm-Valcea,m 14, Vol. abstracts (Poster).
- RADU TAMAIAN, IOAN MARCUS, VIOLETA NICULESCU, BOGDAN SEVASTRE, MIHAI ANGHEL, IULIA PRODAN, 2010, Computational study of interspecies TOP2A similarities for further development of new targeted therapeutic immunoconjugates, Bulletin UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Veterinary Medicine 67 (1) /2010, 373, ISSN 1843-5270.
- MARCUS I, R. MĂNĂLĂCHIOAE, 2009, Caloric restriction and the substances that mimic its effects: mechanisms of action and the impact on the prevention of some diseases in animals, Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 19, nr. 4/2009, 11-31, ISSN:1220-3173. (
- PRODAN IULIA, B. SEVASTRE, ANA-MARIA TOIU, DANIELA BENEDEC, ILIOARA ONIGA, C. DELIU, I. MARCUS, 2009, Antitumour activity of Hypericum perforatum and Hypericum maculatum in Ehrlich Ascitic Carcinoma, Bulletin USAMV CN, Vet Med 66 (1): 176-181, Print ISSN 1843-5270.
- 2009, Expression of the vascular marker CD31 in dog cutaneous melanoma, Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine 66(1): 75-81, Print ISSN 1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378
- TĂULESCU M, B. SEVASTRE, I. MARCUS, R. MOUSSA, P. BOLFĂ, A. GAL, COSMINA CUC, C. CĂTOI, 2009, Evaluation of malignancy criteria in dog melanocytic neoplasms, Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine 66(1): 121-128, Print ISSN 1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
- DENES A.L, I. MARCUS, IULIA PRODAN, B. SEVASTRE, N. FIŢ, G. NĂDAŞ, D. CĂLINA, 2009, An acellular anti-Bordetella bronhiseptica vaccine efficency test in Wistar rats, Bulletin UASMV, Veterinary Medicine 66 (1): 290-293, Print ISSN 1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
- CRINA CLAUDIA RUSU, ANCA CRISTEA, DELIA ZALUTCHI, I. MARCUS, CRISTINA CRACIUN, I. PATIU, ADRIANA MURESAN, MIRELA GHERMAN CAPRIOARA, 2009, Oxidative stress, cardiovascular risk and the mortality in chronic heamodialysis patiens, Rev. Rom. Med. Vet., nr. 3/2009, 20-31, ISSN:1220-3173.
- MARCUS I, B. SEVASTRE, D. MARCULESCU, GH. POP, AL. POP, 2008, The valuation of the blood level of the Na, K, Cl, Ca and Mg in healthy and grafted with Walker 256 carcinoma Wistar rats, correlated with daily Deuterium Depleted Water intake. 10th Congress of Romanian Society of Physiological Sciences, 5-7 june, UMF Cluj-Napoca, 42-43.
- MARCUS I, B. SEVASTRE, D. MARCULESCU, GH. POP, A.N. OROS, AL. POP, 2008, Research of correlation between Deuterium Depleted Water intake and experimental tumor growth from the point of view of some haematological parameters in Wistar rats, Al IX-lea Congres International de Farmacologie, Terapeutica si Toxicologie Clinica, 10-14. 06, Sibiu. Ro, Sibiul Medical 19 (2) 130-135. ISSN 1221-2873
- SEVASTRE B, IULIA PRODAN, NICOLETA DECEA, I. MARCUS, M. TAMAS, C. DELIU, 2008, Peucedanum officinale prevents oxidative damage in ovariectomisated rats. Sibiul Medical 19 (2) 130-135. ISSN 1221-2873.
- SEVASTRE B, IULIA PRODAN, I. MARCUS, M. TAMAS AND C. DELIU, 2008, Peucedanum oreoselinum L. Moench effect in Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma. Bulletin USAMV-CN; 65: ISSN 1454-2382.
- SEVASTRE B, O. VOSTINARU, IULIA PRODAN, ELENA MOROGAN, I. MARCUS, CRISTINA MOGOSAN, M. TAMAS, C. DELIU, 2008, Peucedanum protective effect in experimental menopausal syndrome, The third international Sympossium of Etnopharmacology, Brasov, 53-55.
- MARCUS I, SEVASTRE B, MĂRCULESCU D, POP GH, LUCIA MARCUS, 2007, The study of some plasma minerals components (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, and Mg++) in Wistar rats inoculated with Walker 256 ascitic carcinoma correlated with daily deuterium depleted water intake, Internaţional sympossium, “Progresses and prospects in Veterinary Medicine”, Iasi, Vol. 50 (9), 68-72, ISSN 1457-7406.
- MARCUS I, B SEVASTRE, GH. POP, AL POP, 2007, Aspects of the blood biochemical profile in Wistar rats inoculated ip with Walker 256 ascite, correlated with the daily intake of the deuterium depleted water, The 10th National Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Poiana Braşov, Vol.abstracts, 117-118.
- MARCUS I, D. MĂRCULESCU, B. SEVASTRE, DANIELA ZINVELIU, GH. POP, AL. POP, 2007, The study of some clinical and heamatological parameters on the Wistar rats inoculated with Walker 256 ascite correlated with daily DDW consumption, Bulletin USAMV-CN, 64/2007 (1-2), 178-183, Print ISSN 1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
- FARCAL RL, CRISTIANA BIDIAN, C CATOI, V RUS, A OROS, I MARCUS, A POP, 2007, The evaluation of experimental respiratory exposure methods with bentonite particles on Wistar rats, Bulletin USAMV-CN, 64/2007 (1-2), 136-139, Print ISSN 1843-5270, Electronic ISSN 1843-5378.
- SEVASTRE B, O VOSTINARU, CRISTINA MOGOSAN, I MARCUS, M TAMAS, C DELIU, 2007, Antiinflammatory activity of Peucedanum Officinale on rats, Bulletin USAMV-CN, 64/2007 (1-2), 295-299, Print ISSN 1843-5270.
- MARCUS I, S. IANCU, B. SEVASTRE, 2006, Cercetări privind nivelul plasmatic al unor componente biochimice enzimatice la şobolani Wistar grefaţi ip. cu ascita tumorală Walker 256, corelat cu consumul de apă sărăcită în deuteriu, Simpozion internaţional USAMV Iasi, Vol. 50 (8), 75-79, ISSN 1457-7406.
- IANCU S, I. MARCUS, 2006, Biochemical investigation of the serum transaminase and of the serum cholesterol correlated with the aging in dogs clinical healthy, International Sympossium „Pregresses and Prospects in Veterinary Medicine” USAMV Iasi, Vol. 50 (8), 84-87, ISSN 1457-7406.
- MARCUS I, L. FÂRCAL, LUCIA MARCUS, AL. POP, B. SEVASTRE, MIHAELA DUMA (2006), “Researches concerning the daily deuterium depleted water intake correlated with the values of some clinical and Paraclinical parameters in healthy and inoculated with Ehrlich ascite NMRI mice, International Symposium, Sankt Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Russia, 140-141.
- MARCUS I, B. SEVASTRE, AL. POP, Daniela ZINVELIU, P. BERDEA (2006), „Investigation concerning the values of some biochemical plasma compounds in Wistar rats grafted iv. with a transplantable tumour (Walker 256 ascitic carcinoma), correlated with the daily DDW intake”, Bul. USAMV CN, Vol. 63, 441-442, ISSN 1454-2390.
- SEVASTRE B, ADELA JOANTĂ, S ANDREI, I. MARCUS, AL. I. BABA, (2006), Antioxidant effect of Lycopene in peritoneal asbestosis of the rats, Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 12 (1), 49 – 53.
- MARCUS I., L FARCAL, AL POP, B SEVASTRE, Mihaela DUMA, A OROS, 2005, The Deuterium Depleted Water intake correlated with the values of some haematological and biochemical parameters in NMRI mice inoculated with Ehrlich ascite, Bull. USAMV-CN, Vol. 62-2005,172-176, ISSN 1454-2382.
- MARCUS I, B. SEVASTRE, A.N OROS, MIHAELA DUMA, AL. POP, 2005, Researches concerning the effect of the deuterium depleted water in-take on some clinical and haematological features in NMRI mice grafted ip with Ehrlich experimental ascite, 6th Congress of Pharmacology and Clinical Toxicology, UMF Cluj-Napoca, 130, ISBN 973-693-121-8.
- SEVASTRE B, Adela JOANTA, Sanda ANDREI, I MARCUS, L PANTA, AL.I BABA, 2005, The antioxidant effect of the organic selenium in the mesothelioma induced by asbestos, The Sixth National Congress of Pharmacology, Therapeutic and Clinical Toxicology, UMF Cluj-Napoc, ISBN 973-693-121-8
- OROS N.A, Anca MARCULESCU, I MARCUS, I PAPUC, 2004, Chemical studies on the soil composition in a haematigenic area from Maramures country, International Sympossium, Oradea.
- POP AL, I MARCUS, J BLETHON, 2004, Functional and morphological disorders of the locomotion aparatus in sports horses, Annual Scientific Session, USAMV a Bantului, FMV Timisoara.
- OROS N.A, Anca MARCULESCU, I MARCUS, 2004, Enzimes determination in the poisoning with fern in the horses, Annual Scientific Sympossium, USAMV a Bantului, FMV Timişoara. 67-71.
- OROS N.A, Anca MARCULESCU, I MARCUS, 2004, Changes of the haemogram in the horse poisoning with the plain fern, Annual Scientific Sympossium, USAMV a Bantului, FMV Timişoara.83-87
- MARCUS I, AL POP, N.A OROS, Mihaela DUMA, Anca MĂRCULESCU, B SEVASTRE, 2004, The study of some components of the plasma proteinogram correlated with the clinical evolution of the Walker 256 ascite tumor in Wistar rats expossed to the stress of immobilisation and social isolaton, Sympossium FMV Chişinău, Moldova Republic, 68-71.
- MARCUS I, A.N. OROS, AL POP, B SEVASTRE, C MOLNAR, 2004, The use of some unconventional compounds in the control of the experimental tumor growth (Ehrlich ascite) on NMRI mice, International Sympossium, Pregresses and Prospects in Veterinary Medicine, FMV Iasi, 23, 234-39.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, N.A OROS, Mihaela DUMA, Anca MĂRCULESCU, C MOLNAR, 2004, Clinical investigation regarding the interrelations between thymus – spleen – adrenal glands in the modulation of the immune response on the laboratory animals exposed to the stress of immobilisation and social isolation, International sympossium FMV Chişinău, Moldova Republic. Vol. 64-67.
- MARCUS I, AL. POP, L.FARCAL, Mihaela DUMA, Lucia MARCUS, 2003, Investigations regarding the deuterium depleted water in put on some physiological and biochemical blood compo-nents in the laboratory animals, Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol.13, nr.3-4, 206-213.
- FÂRCAL L, S. SITARU, MIHAELA DUMA, I. MARCUS, 2003, Researches concerning the effect of the deuterium depleted water intake on some physiological and biochemical parameters on the laboratory animals, Cercetări, International Symposium for Students, Bull. USAMV-CN, 60/2003, 100, ISSN 1454-2382.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, Lucia MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, 2002, Investigations concerning the effects of the immobilasation and social isolation stress experimentaly induced in the laboratory animals, on some features of Walker 256 carcinoma. Revista Română de Medicină Veterinară, Vol. 12, Nr. 1-2, 151-162. ISSN. 1220-3173.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, B SEVASTRE, 2002, The control of the experimental tumour growth by exogenous factors: clinical and biochemical implications of the oral intake of beta-carotene on the laboratory animals grafted im. with a transplantable tumour. Annual Scientific Session, Timisoara, Vol. XXXV, 433-443.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, L FARCAL, O FARCAU, A OROS, 2002, The implementation of a model of experimental induced depression on laboratory animals in order to study its consequences on the development of the Ehrlich ascite transplantable tumour: clinical and behavioural aspects. International Symposium: Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture, USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Bull. USAMV-CN, Editura Academic Press, Vol. 57-58, 684-691. ISSN 1454-2382
- MARCUS I, Ioana IANCU, AL POP, A OROS, 2002, Correlations of the white blood cells values with bone marow alterations which accompany the genesis and the evolution of the depression syndrome on the NMRI mice, chronicaly exposed on the immobilisation and social isolation stress. International Symposium: Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture, USAMV, Cluj-Napoca, Bull. USAMV-CN, Editura Academic Press, Vol. 57-58, 692-699. ISSN 1454-2382
- BERDEA P, Stela CUNA, I. MARCUS, 2002, The noninvasive method for the study of the deuterium depleted water effect on the mice” Alternative 2002: International workshop on Promotion of the Three Rs Concept in Relation to Animal Experimentation in Hungary, Balatonfured, Hungary.
- MARCUS I, AL. POP, Lucia MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, 2001, Researchs concerning the effect of some phytotherapeutic compounds on the plasma and tissue ionogram values (Ca++, Mg++, Na+, K+) to the rats grafted im. with Walker 256 carcinoma comparatively with the healthy rats, International Symposium. Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture, Buletin USAMV-CN, Vol. 55-56, 25 – 30. ISSN 1454-2382.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, Lucia MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, 2001, Researchs concerning the clinical effects of the coffeine and of the natural and soluble coffee intake on the biological behaviour of the Walker 256 carcinoma grafted on the lab animals. Romanian Journal of the Vet Med, Vol. 11, nr.1, 59-68. ISSN. 1220-3173.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, LUCIA MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, 2001, Beta-carotene and cell to cell communication in cancer: theoretical and experimental aspects. Aniversary Symposium of the Institute of Diagnostic and Animal Health (IDSA), Bucuresti, Vol. abstracts, 87.
- OGNEAN L, V MICLĂUŞ, N DOJANĂ, Dana PUSTA, I MARCUS, 2001, Compensatory haematopoesis consequent to experimental haemolotic anemia in mouse” International Symposium: Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculture, USAMV Cluj, Bull. USAMV-CN, Vol. 55-56, ISSN 1454-2382
- MARCUS I, AL POP, Lucia MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, A.N OROS, 2001, Investigations regarding some clinical, haematological and biochemical aspects correlated with oral intake of some phytotherapeutic natural compounds in experimental cancer on the laboratory animals. FMV Iasi, Vol. 44 (3), Fasc. I, 245-255.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, AL.I BABA, B SEVASTRE, LAURA POP, 2000, Observations on some clinical and haematological peculiarities of the Walker 256 carcinoma grafted im on thje Wistar rats oexposed on the different forms of thermic stress. Romanian Journal of Comp. Oncol., Suppl. abs, 20. ISSN 1582-0807.
- MARCUS I, AL POP, AL.I BABA, B SEVASTRE, ANA MARIA PETEAN, 2000, The study of the clinical and haematological implications of the social isolation stress on the biological behaviour of the Walker 256 transplantable carcinoma grafted im on the laboratory animals. Romanian Journal of Comparative Oncology. Suppl. abs, 20. ISSN 1582-0807.
- OROS A.N, I MARCUS, ANCA MĂRCULESCU, 2000, Haematological and biochemical aspects in obese dogs. Annual Scientific Session of the FVM, Iasi, Vol. 2 (43), 266-68. ISSN 1454-7406
- MARCUS I, AL POP, B SEVASTRE, P BJOTHE, 2000, Observations with respect to the evolution of some clinical parameters correlated with oral consumption of beta-carotine in modulation of biological behaviour of Walker 256 carcinoma grafted im on the Wistar rats. Scientific Session FVM Iasi, Vol. 2 (43), 74-79. ISSN 1454-7406
- MARCUS I, RODICA GIURGEA, B SEVASTRE, AL POP, 2000, Biochemical, hepatic, muscle and tumoural markers with prognostic value in evaluation of the evolutionary stage and of the tumour aggressiveness on the Wistar rats grafted im with Walker 256 carcinoma and treated with carotenoid compounds. FVM Iasi, Vol. 2 (43), 80 -87. ISSN 1454-7406
- MARCUS I, AL POP, 2000, The values of some biochemical tumor markers correlated with the metastatic evolutive features of the experimental tumor growth, Annual Scientific Session, FVM Iasi, Vol. 2 (43), 88 -91. ISSN 1454-7406
- MARCUS I, AL POP, A.N OROS, B SEVASTRE, 2000, The study of the tissue antioxidative activity correlated with the experimental tumour growth on the Wistar rats treated with beta-carotene. USAMV Timisoara, Vol. XXXIII, 303-309.
- MARCUS I, A.N ORORS, AL POP, B SEVASTRE, 2000, The values of some plasma and tissue mineral constituients correlated with the aggressiveness and invasiveness of Walker 256 carcinoma. USAMV Timisoara, Vol. XXXIII, 311-315.
- OROS A.N, I. MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, Anca MĂRCULESCU, 2000, Relationship of the serum total Ca with serum albumin in dogs, horses and cattles. Scientific Session, FMV Timisoara, Vol. XXXIII, 363-366.
- OROS A.N, I. MARCUS, ANCA MĂRCULESCU, 2000, Haematological and biochemical abnormalities in a dog with acetominophen poisoning (case report), FVM, Timisoara, Vol. XXXIII, 367-371.
- MARCUS I, AL.POP, AN OROS, Lucia MARCUS, B. SEVASTRE, 2000, Aspects of the haematological and biochemical profile on Wistar rats gradted im with Walker 256 carcinoma correlated with cofein, natural and soluble cofee intake. The XXVth Sympossium Present Interest in Animal Pathology, FMV Cluj-Napoca, 416-429. ISBN 973-8266-22-X
- MARCUS I, Al POP, Al.I. BABA, LUCIA MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, Z SZAKACS, 2000, The implications of the coffeine and of the natural and soluble coffee intake in the modulation of the biological behaviour of the Walker 256 carcinoma. The 7th National Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Baile Felix Oradea, Vol. abstracts, 78.
- MARCUS I, A.I. BABA, Al. POP, B. SEVASTRE , Lucia MARCUS, M. CRISTESCU, A. OROS, 1999, Some haematological and plasma proteins peculiarities which accompanies the development of the tumour metastatic cells, comparatively with primary tumour cells (Walker 256 carcinoma grafted subcutaneous). The XXVth Scientific Symposium Present Interest in Animal Pathology, FMV Cluj, Vol.2, 67 - 73. ISBN 973-9464-36-X
- MARCUS I, A.I. BABA. , Al. POP, B. SEVASTRE, Lucia MARCUS, Anca MARCULESCU, A. OROS, 1999, Investigations regarding some clinical and morphological features of the tumour metastatic cells, comparatively with primary tumours grafted sc. on the rats. The XXVth Scientific Symposium Present Interest in Animal Pathology”, FVM Cluj Napoca, Vol.2, 74-80. ISBN 973-9464-36-X
- MARCUS I, Al. POP, DANIELA BORDA, B. SEVASTRE, L. KADAR, O. PUŞCAŞ, 1999, Observations concerning some plasma and tissue biochemical peculiarities of the tumour metastatic cells, comparatively with the primary tumours (Walker 256 carcinoma) grafted sc. on the rats. The 15th Symposium, FMV Cluj Napoca, Vol.2, 81-87. ISBN 973-9464-36-X.
- OROS NA, N DANIELESCU, ELENA GRIGORESCU, I. MARCUS, B SEVASTRE, 1999, Observations regarding the radioisotope pollution of the milk cow in a S region of the Transilvania, The XXVth Symposium Present Interest in Animal Pathology, FMV Cluj Napoca, Vol.2, 250-254. ISBN 973-9464-36-X
- MARCUS I, AL.I. BABA, Rodica GIURGEA, C.BELE, Sanda ANDREI, Adela PINTEA, AL. POP, B. SEVASTRE, A. OROS, 1998, The study of some clinical, haematological and biochemical parameters correlated with the evolutionary features of the Walker 256 carcinoma grafted im and sc. on laboratory animals. The 14th Symposium, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca, Vol.2, 537-544. ISBN 973-9234-27-
- MARCUS I, AL.I.BABA, Rodica GIURGEA, C.BELE, Sanda ANDREI, Adela PINTEA, AL. POP, B. SEVASTRE, 1998, Clinical and haematological aspects which characterise the biological behaviour of the Ehrlich ascite inoculated im. and sc. on the mice, The XXIVth Scientific Symposium, FMV Cluj Napoca, Vol.2, 545-552. ISBN 973-9234-27-5
- MARCUS I, AL.I.BABA, Rodica GIURGEA, C.BELE, Sanda ANDREI, Adela PINTEA, AL. POP, 1998, Research concerning the values of some clinical and haematological parameters which accompanies the development of the S-180 sarcoma, grafted im and sc on the mice, The XXIVth Scientific Symposium, FVMCluj Napoca, Vol. 2, 553-559. ISBN 973-9234-27-5
- SANDA ANDREI, VICTORIA CIURDARU, ADELA PINTEA, I MARCUS, C BELE, A.I. BABA, 1998, Preliminary results regarding the activity of some antioxidants enzymes in transplantable Walker carcinoma, The XXIVth Scientific Symposium, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Vol.2, 507-511. ISBN 973-9234-27-5.
- MARCUS I, 1997, Cyclin – kinases: a new paradigm of the cancer, Part one, Romania Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 7, Nr. 2, 177 - 185. ISSN. 1220-3173.
- MARCUS I, 1997, Cyclin – kinases: a new paradigm of the cancer, Part two, Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, 305 - 312. ISSN. 1220-3173.
- POP AL, I. MARCUS, 1997, Bovine spongiform encephalopathies: epidemiological and experimental evaluation of the ethiopathogenetic mechanisms, The 7th Nat Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Voineasa, 302.
- POP AL, I. MARCUS, 1997, Haematological aspects in experimental cancer: corelations with bone marrow function, The seventh National Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Voineasa, Vol. Abs, 361.
- MARCUS I, DANIELA BORDA, AL. POP, 1997, Plasma glycoproteins in experimental transplantable tumours on laboratory animals, The 7th National Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Voineasa, Vol. abs, 362.
- MARCUS I, AL. POP, C PESTEAN, 1997, Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the bone marrow components in transplantable tumors. The 7th National Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Voineasa, Vol. abs, 363.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, 1997, Pathophysiological mechanisms implies in spongiform encephalopaties in animals and man, The XXIIIth Scientific symposium, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, 211-222. ISBN 973-9234-14-3
- MARCUS I, L. KADAR, AL. POP, 1997, Plasma and tissue levels of some minerals ions in experimental cancer on lab animals, The Second National Symposium of Pathophysiology, UMF Timisoara, Vol. abs, 221.
- POP AL, I. MARCUS, 1997, Pathophysiological mechanisms in the spongiform encephalopathies on animals and man, The Second National Symposium of Pathophysiology. UMF Timisoara, Vol. abs, 222-223.
- POP AL, I. MARCUS, 1996, Physiological and Pathophysiological considerations regarding the muscle effort on the sport’s horses, Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Vol.6, nr.2, 177-182. ISSN.1220-3173.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS., C.V. BORZA, O. ONEŢIU, 1996, Cercetări asupra hemogramei şi a proteinogramei la păstrăvul curcubeu (Salmo trutta gairdneri) şi la scobar (Chondrostoma nasus), Al XXII-lea simpozion “Actualităţi în patologia animalelor” FMV Cluj–N, 135-138, ISBN 973-9234-07-0.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, 1996, Adaptation and altered reactions in muscle effort on the sport’s horses, Sympossium Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara, Vol. XXIX, 71-75. ISBN 973-578-190-5
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, 1996, Criterions used to evaluate the validity of the laboratory tests and of the references values in veterinary medicine, Rom Journal of Vet Med, Vol.6, nr. 4, 405-410. ISSN. 1220-3173.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, 1995, Some criterions used to evaluate the validity of the laboratory tests and of the references values, Buletin USACN –ZMV, 49, 229 –333.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, 1994, Plasma osmolarity in healthy and diarrhoeic calves, The 2nd International Congress of Pathophysiology, Kyoto, Japan. Vol abs. 162.
- POP AL, O. ONEŢIU, I. MARCUS, L. KADAR, 1994, Some haematological and biochemical values on the Trouts (Salmo trutta gairdneri) correlated with the age and the sex of fishes. International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Chişinău, Moldova, Vol. abs, 32.
- POP AL, I. MARCUS, 1994, Plasma osmolarity on the healty calfs comparatively with calfs affected by diarrhoeic syndrome. The Sixth National Congres of Veterinary Medicine, Sinaia, 25-28 X, Vol. abs, 132.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, O. ONEŢIU, 1994, Certain blood haematological and biochemical values in Rainbow –Trouts (S.Trutta gairdneri) infected with Hexamitus salmonis, International Simposium: „125 year of higher agronomic at Cluj– Napoca 1869 –1994”, 25 –28 octombrie, Vol. rezumate, 153.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, O. ONEŢIU, 1994, Certain blood haematological and biochemical values in Rainbow –Trouts (S.Trutta gairdneri) infected with Hexamitus salmonis, Buletin USACN-ZMV, 48, 379-383.
- POP Al, O. ONEŢIU, I. MARCUS, L. KADAR, I. CIOARA, 1993, The dynimics of some haematological and biochemical parameters on trouts (Sallmo trutta gairdneri) correlated with the age of fishes. Buletin USACN –ZMV, 47, 109 –115.
- POP AL, O. ONEŢIU, I. MARCUS, L.KADAR, I.CIOARA, 1993, Some haematological and biochemical values on trouts (Salmo trutta gairdneri) correlated with the sex of fishes. Buletin USACN –ZMV, 47,117 –119.
- POP Al, I. MARCUS, LUCIA MARCUS, 1993, Electrolytes homeostasis reflected by plasma osmolarity in oigs, National Sympossium FMV Cluj –Napoca, 28 –29 X, Vol.XX, 73.