"After this Cure I realized that I CAN DO anything I set my mind to"
Tuturaș Nicoleta Age
34 years From
Satu Mare - De ce ați făcut Cura cu Zonar?
- TN: I started this Cure for detoxification. And because of hives. I had some very ugly skin eruptions, in other words hives, just not such a bad form.
- How was it? Did everything go well?
- TN: Yes, yes! I'm very satisfied of the product. Only thing is, I always had to watch the temperature in my fridge, otherwise I'd risk spoiling it. I kept a thermometer in the fridge for a while.
- The majority of persons have problems in the first few days. How hard was it in your case? Was it hard during the cure?
- TN: The first days were the hardest. And I've had problems during the Cure because I always had to go to the toilet. The toilet became the second place I'd spend my time in.
- What was the most difficult thing in the Cure?
- TN: The toilet situation seemed difficult. I couldn't travel because of this problem. But I got past it. Another impediment were the cravings. I was talking to myself and saying: OK. Now I can't. Imagine that I'm the biggest munch-head.
- How many days did you follow the Cure?
- TN: I followed it for 21 days.
- After how many days did you stop feeling effort and started feeling perfect during the cure?
- TN: After 3-4 days it started getting better. I think the most important thing is what you're following it for. After this Cure I realized I can do anything I set my mind to. I strongly believe that everything starts from your mind. You have to want to heal and have the ambition to follow up on it. If you want to get better, to get healthy, you do anything. You don't die from consuming only Zonar for 21 days.
- Were you tempted to eat during the Cure? Did you eat something you shouldn't have during the cure?
- TN: The temptation was big! Believe-me! During the Cure and even after the Cure all your senses heighten, get accentuated. Food tastes differently. You appreciate it with other eyes, other senses.
- How did you fight your cravings?
- TN: I've set myself up for doing what's better for my health.
- How much weight did you lose?
- TN: 3-4 kg. I did not lose too much weight. Even though I would have liked to lose weight, it did not happen. But I'm not sorry. Zonar did it's job somewhere else.
- Did you take medical tests before and after the Cure?
- TN: No. I did not take medical tests. I clearly saw the changes on myself. I used to talk to Mr. Iuga and he would tell me that I have to start the Cure, tomorrow even, and I'd tell him that we're just talking and I'd think about it. He replied to me that If I don't start it tomorrow I will never start. He provoked me in that moment and I bet that I would start in 2 weeks. When I called him and told him I needed Zonar, he said I surprised him and that he was not expecting it. Zonar helped me a lot with the hives.
- What did your friends say when you told them about Zonar?
- TN: My friends congratulate me and tell me that they could have never done this. I say that if you set your mind to something, hard, impossible, you will make it. You have to want it. If you don't respect yourself and don't respect your health, then who does? You have to follow the Cure for yourself! Trying it is worth it. It seems extraordinary that in 21 days you can say that you're another person. 21 days are worth trying "something" for your health.