Characterization of milk samples and dairy products

Characterization of milk samples and dairy products from the project PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0335, contr. 28BG/2016

Analisys Used analysis methods
Determination of pH ph-metric method (HANNA pH 211 pH meter)
Acidity [°T] / Acidity index [mg/g] Volumetric method, NaOH 0.1N titration in the presence of phenolphthalein
Dry mass [%]; Water [%] Laboratory method, determined by the mass difference after the drying of the sample at 100-110° C
Sodium chloride [%] Volumetric method, AgNO3 0.1N titration in the presence of potassium chromate
Mineral content [mg/kg] ICP - OES method (Optima 2100 inductively coupled optical emission spectrometer)
- determination of elements with the aid of an inductively coupled optical emission spectrometer;
- dry mineralization of the sample at 550°C followed with HNO3 and perhydrol treatment.
BSA [g/L] HPLC-UV method (high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection)
α-Lactalbumin A, [g/L]
β-Lactoglobulin B, [g/L]
β-Lactoglobulin A, [g/L]
Lactose, [g/L] HPLC-RI method (high performance liquid chromatography with refraction index detector)
Energetic value (kcal) - dairy calories Energetic value (kcal) for 100 ml of Milk serum has been calculated with the following formula:
W(cal) = P(g) x 4.1(cal/g) + L(g) x 9.3 (cal/g) + G(g) x 4.1 (cal/g)
P(g) = proteins (the sum of proteins analysed with HPLC-UV)
L(g) = lipids (grăsimile) - 0.1g/100mL Milk serum
G(g) = carbohydrates (lactose)

The analysis has been performed in the Laboratories of the Raluca Ripan Chemistry Research Institute, Cluj-Napoca, with internal laboratory methods.

Characterization of milk samples and dairy products